Two pink and blue gift boxes with polka dot ribbons.

You are a Gift

February 22, 2015

You are a gift. Yep. I’m a gift, too. Sounds conceited, doesn’t it?

Jesus says repeatedly that the Father gave us to Jesus. We are the Father’s love gift to Jesus.

In my self-critical mode, I say: “Boy! Some gift!”

But it is gloriously true.

We are gifts

  1. The Father chose us, Christians, in Christ before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4)
  2. The Father gave us to the Son. (See John 6:37; John 17:2, 6, 9, 24; John 18:9)
  3. The Son will present us to the Father holy and blameless. (Ephesians 1:4, Jude 24).

Right now we, Christ-followers, belong to both the Father and the Son. We are being cared for as priceless possessions.

Wait! There’s more!

The Father loves us even as He loves Jesus. (John 17:23) The Father loves the Son eternally and infinitely. He loves us, His children, eternally and infinitely.

Right now, as the Father’s gifts to Jesus, Jesus loves us as He loves the Father, eternally and infinitely.

Grab Hold of this Profound Truth

Live your life knowing you are loved by the Almighty, sovereign God of the universe. You’re not some poor relation. You are the child of the King.

A black dog running with a frisbee in its mouth.

Joy in the Journey

February 15, 2015

Joy in the journey. Joy over the shining mountain passes and through the deep, dark valleys. Joy on the sunny days and through the stormy ones.

Our Lord Jesus Christ came that we might have abundant life and that our joy may be full. (John 10:1015:1416:2417:13)

But how? What do we do to have joy to the full in the midst of our troubles?

We can joyfully live in the present in the light of the future, having learned from the past.

The Present

Our present circumstances, either good or horrible, can overwhelm all other thoughts. It’s crucial, right from the start, to look at your life more broadly. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my sudden, significant eye problems. (See Practical Exam.) I must remember that my eyesight is not the only important aspect of my life. If I narrow my focus to this one issue, I forget my many blessings both in this life and for eternity, and I cripple my ability to joyfully follow my Lord. I need to get my eyes off myself and not ruminate about my trouble.

Use the future to interpret the present

James tells us to consider trials as joy. Paul says to rejoice in suffering. My diminished vision is a trial, how do I consider this storm a joyful one?

I can consider my eye problems, or any other trial, a joy because there will be good results.

Trial è steadfastness è perfect and complete, lacking in nothing (James 1:2-4)

Suffering è endurance è character è hope (Romans 5:3-5)

Trials è Tested genuineness of your faith è praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:6-7)

Look with hope beyond the trial and suffering

Our hope in God’s many promises is certain. This Christian hope is not “if it happens,” but “when it happens.” It’s a sure thing.

Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. (Hebrews 12:2)

Christians joyfully accepted the seizure of their property knowing they had better, eternal, possessions (Hebrews 10:34)

Remember the past

Remember the joy of your salvation, and all that accompanies your life as a child of God. (See How to Get Through It.)

The blessings are still true.


A large firework explodes in the sky.

For His Name’s Sake

February 8, 2015


It is all about Him. It’s not about me. It’s not about you.

It is all about our mighty, holy, loving God.

Aren’t you glad?

God made you. You are His child. You are valuable to Him. As your Father, He has a commitment to you.

He acts for His Name’s Sake

God acts for the sake of His name, that it should not be profaned (for example, Ezekiel 20:9, 14, 22, 44).

For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act; for how can My name be profaned? And My glory I will not give to another (Isaiah 48:11).

For His name’s sake, what does He do for His children?

He forgives His children’s sins for His Name’s sake.

I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins (Isaiah 43:25).

I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you for His name’s sake (1 John 2:12).

He acts on your behalf for His Name’s sake.

Then you will know that I am the Lord when I have dealt with you for My name’s sake … (Ezekiel 20:44).

Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name, that He might make His power known (Psalm 106:8).

For the sake of My name I delay My wrath, and for My praise I restrain it for you, in order not to cut you off (Isaiah 48:9).

He keeps us for His Name’s sake.

For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself (1 Samuel 12:22).

I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are. While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your name which You have given Me; and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled (John 17:11–12).

He leads us for His Name’s sake.

He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake (Psalm 23:3).

He guides us for His Name’s sake.

For You are my rock and my fortress; for Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me (Psalm 31:3).

This is incredibly reassuring.

Think about it.

It’s not up to you or me. It’s up to the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise God.

It’s not how well you or I do, it’s based on God’s commitment to Himself.

It’s not whether we’ve earned it. It’s based on His mercy, His eternal holiness.

So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy (Romans 9:16).

(For His name’s sake, we, His children, also have responsibilities. That’s a topic for another day.)

God is responsible for His children

God is responsible for those called by His Name. If you are a child of God, God has a stake in you. Your well-being is fundamental to God’s reputation, His Name. Your welfare reflects on Him. Your eternal home is His doing. His name is at stake.

He has made promises to you. Keeping His promises is crucial for His reputation. His name would be dishonored if His promises failed. He will fulfill His promises, demonstrating His character.

God cannot deny Himself. He is steadfastly committed to those who trust in Him.

It is all about Him.

Our hope is guaranteed

Since God called us, He will sanctify us and glorify us in Christ. In the ages to come, the riches of His grace will be seen through us.

… in the ages to come He [will] show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7).

All our future hope depends on Him. He is steadfast. He never changes. This is why our hope is certain.

God acting for the sake of His name is your guarantee. This is your assurance of being brought safely home.


A black dog is being sprayed by a hose.

How to Get Through It

February 1, 2015

Are you having a hard time? A bad time?

Have you had a huge disappointment? An earth-shaking loss?

I wish it were otherwise.

If I were God, you and I would have easy, satisfying, fun lives, without hardship or scarcity.

But I’m not God (duh), and my choices would not be good ones.

Among other things, life would be so easy we wouldn’t grow.

What to do first

Look at your situation.

Is there a problem to address? Then you need to work to solve it.

Are you in a spot where you have to wait and the outcome is uncertain? See How to Wait.

But you may be in a painful situation you cannot change and must bear.

Here are some things to think about when you have to endure something unchangeable:

  1. Remember who God is.

Review what you know about Him.

Remember that God loves you.

Remember God’s faithfulness to you in the past.

Remember God knows everything about your hard time. He sees how you’re suffering. He knows why it is happening. He knows the future.

Remember God is in control. He could have prevented your situation. For reasons of His own, He didn’t. But He promises to bring good out of it.

Settle this in your mind. Review and repeat often. Determine to believe.

  1. Remember who you are to Him.

You are God’s child, a member of His family (if you believe and have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior). (See Becoming a Child of God.)

You are Christ’s (1 Corinthians 3:23).

God is your Father (Matthew 6:9).

God promises:

To bring good out of your hard time (Romans 8:28).

To make you into the image of His beloved Son (Romans 8:29).

To refine you, using your trial to develop your endurance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-4).

Remind yourself that God keeps His promises.

Remind yourself of your eternal future.

  1. Decide to trust Him.

Decide to trust Him, even though you don’t understand, even though you are miserable.

“I don’t understand, but I know You are righteous, wise, and sovereign, and that You never make a mistake.”

He has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He is there, with you, in your hard time (Hebrews 13:5).

“Trust in Him at all times … Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8).

  1. Pray about what to do.

What are your goals in getting through this? What is success in this hard spot?

One goal is to endure to the end. Be faithful.

Check your attitude. Your loss or other big problem is not the only thing going on in your life. Don’t focus just on what you don’t have, but on what you do have. (See 2 Corinthians 4:18).

Don’t dwell on the bad, repeating it over and over, making it foremost in your mind. Don’t make it worse with worry. Today’s trouble is enough.

At the same time, don’t deny your sorrow, your suffering, your feelings. God does not tell us to deny reality. Be realistic. Instead, we are to rejoice in our suffering. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Determine to praise Him anyway. Praise Him for His faithfulness, His sovereignty, His righteousness, His love. Habakkuk rehearsed in his mind how bad things were going to be and planned to praise Him. (Habakkuk 3:17-18)

Determine to glorify Him in your hard time. You have an opportunity to show others by your words and actions that you trust Him. Don’t waste the opportunity.

You can

You are God’s child. He is with you. He is for you. You can get through it, honoring Him on the way.

Press on.

Have you had bad times?

What has worked for you in getting through it?

Practical Exam

January 25, 2015

God doesn’t give multiple-choice tests. He doesn’t assign essays. God gives practical exams.

God tested Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac. (Genesis 22:1)

He tested the Israelites for forty years in the wilderness to see what was in their hearts and whether or not they would walk in His instruction. (Exodus 16:5Deuteronomy 8:2)

He tested them “to find out if you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deuteronomy 13:3).

He tested Joseph: “They afflicted his feet with fetters, he himself was laid in irons; until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him” (Psalm 105:18–19).

The problem

My vision got much worse over a few weeks. I just learned I have three eye conditions, two of which require surgery and one that is not treatable.


After my brain, my vision is most important to me.

The Practical Exam

This is my 29th post in “Pressing On Together.” My book, When Storms Come: Will You Be Ready? Is due out in May or June.

Do I believe God? Do I believe what I’ve written? Can I apply it? Will I pass God’s practical exam?

Do I love the Lord more than my eyesight?

What I’m doing

I have been repeating to myself:

God is in control (true).

God loves me (true).

God has a loving purpose for this (true).

God will be with me through this (true).

Even if I lose my sight, God will have a purpose for my life (true).

I have a special opportunity to testify about His love and power (true).

God will use this to make me more into the image of His Son (true).

Am I going to be obedient to the truth? (Romans 1:51 Peter 1:22)

I also have been praying for healing.

Going Forward

I am determined to focus on all He has done for me and all I have rather on what I may lose.

He has blessed me with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3).

I have been given everything pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

I have family and friends.

And health insurance!

I am determined to practice gratitude.

Trials have a purpose

I know God will bring good out of this.

Trials build character. (Romans 5:3-5James 1:2-4)

God uses trials to do good for us in the end “In the wilderness He fed you manna which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end” (Deuteronomy 8:16).

Trials build faith so that my faith “may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).

What’s next

I am in the early stages of this trial, this practical exam. More testing is required on my eyes. I haven’t yet selected a retinal surgeon.

If I keep my eyes on God and His promises, I’m okay. Scared, but okay.

I’ll let you know.

Three pelicans swimming in the water with long beaks.

Do You Believe God?

January 18, 2015

Do you believe God?

I’m not asking if you believe in God.

I’m asking if you believe what He says.

Who or what is your authority for how you interpret what is happening:

To you?

To your loved ones?

To your country?

To the world?

Do you test what you believe?

How do you test?

What standard do you use?

Do you believe your inner voice?


Do you believe what God says?

For example

Do you believe:

I’m worthless. I’ll never amount to anything.

Or do you believe God:

You are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10).

Do you believe:

This bad thing must mean God is punishing me.

Or do you believe God:

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1).

Do you believe:

I’m all alone.

Or do you believe God:

You are chosen by God, adopted by Him. You are a child of the King. (Ephesians 1)

We will be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

We need to replace the lies we tell ourselves with God’s truth.

Here is how:

  1. Become conscious what you are saying to yourself.
  2. When those thoughts are other than positive or neutral, stop yourself and challenge them.
  3. Compare those thoughts with God’s Word.
  4. If the thoughts are at odds with the Bible, chose to believe God.
  5. Replace lies with what God says.


In order to do this, you need to know what God says. You have to know the word of God. If you aren’t studying the Bible, decide to do so. Read. Study. Memorize. Meditate.

The better you know His word, the more you’ll tell yourself the truth.

Decide to stop lying to yourself.

A dirt path surrounded by trees in a wooded area.

Pain: Truth and Lies

January 11, 2015

Gram’s heart was broken. When another adult daughter died, she wailed: “What did I do so bad to deserve this?”

It was a body-blow pain.

Explaining your pain

We’ve all  hurt. How we explain pain determines much about how well we handle it. We can speak truth to ourselves. Or we can tell ourselves lies.

Here are some choices:

1) My behavior determines whether good or ill happens to me.

Job’s “friends” believed Job’s calamity was caused by Job’s sin.

Job also thought sin caused disaster, but thought he was innocent and couldn’t understand why the Lord allowed it.

Elijah said he’d been zealous for the Lord and couldn’t understand why bad things were happening to him.

2) I sinned and these are natural consequences of my behavior.

3) I live in a fallen world where sin, injury, problems of nature, and death are part of life. I am a sinner and I live with sinners. I don’t like it, but this is reality.

We must tell ourselves the facts of life:

1) I am a sinner living in a fallen world. I should not be surprised at fiery trials.

2) If I got what I deserved, I’d be dead. I am not entitled to only good things.

3) Life is not about Me. Don’t look at everything through the capital “M,” “Me.” Christians are God’s servants. How we handle suffering is a powerful testimony.

4) God is Sovereign. He is in control of this situation. I am His child (Make sure that is true. See Becoming a Child of God.) He has a loving purpose for this.

If we think we don’t deserve it, we have two things to cry about:

1) The pain itself, and

2) The belief that the pain is unfair.

Nothing is so certain as suffering. Plan now how to deal with it.

1) Ask yourself: How do I glorify God in this?

2) Ask yourself: Is there something I need to do?

3) Trust in God and make Him your refuge.

What have you learned from suffering?

Do you have tips for the rest of us?

Yield at roundabout sign.

Where ya going?

January 4, 2015

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” Yogi Berra

If you don’t care where you’re going, “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.” Cheshire Cat, Alice in Wonderland

On the other hand, if you want to be intentional about how you live, and you care where you’re going, then

“Begin with the end in mind.” Stephen Covey

Life vision

As we start a new year, this is a great time to become clear about your life’s vision. Where do you want to end up? What do you want people to say about you when you’re gone? What do you want written on your tombstone?

Your life vision should be:

Emotionally compelling

Personally meaningful




Consistent with your core values

It will help you decide what to do—or what not to do. Goals flow out of vision and mission.



Paul’s personal vision:

“[To] know [Christ Jesus Christ my Lord] and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Philippians 3:10).

To see Paul’s passion, read his entire statement (Philippians 3:7-14).

Paul’s “niche” was to be a minister and witness, and to open the eyes of the Gentiles. (Acts 26:15-18)

Here is how Paul evaluated himself very near the end of his life:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).


Ezra “set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel” (Ezra 7:10).


Luke said: “it seemed fitting for me, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out … in consecutive order …” (Luke 1:3).


John’s wrote his gospel “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).

What about you?

If you haven’t already done this, spend some time the next few days prayerfully thinking about what you want your end to be. (See But What Are We to DO? and Spiritual Self-Appraisal.)

Your life vision is your base. Goals flow from that.

Then your path becomes much more clear.

And you have much more energy for the journey.

It’ll give you a good start for the New Year.

Do you have a vision for your life?

How does that vision affect your day?

What advice do you have for those developing their own vision?

Long Beautiful view of the sunset

Spiritual Self-Appraisal

December 21, 2014

The end of the year is a good time to slow down and take stock. As the sun sets on 2014, how do you think you did?


I can hear many of you, just like me, shift into critical mode. We can be our own worst enemies.

But if you believe in Jesus Christ, have put your trust in Him, here is what Almighty God says to you:

“I love you.”

God loves His children because He chooses to. We cannot earn His love, even by scoring an “A+” on our 2014 assessment.

Some things to remember

God is working in you so that you want to do His will and actually do His will. That is His responsibility. (Philippians 2:13)

God is able to keep us from stumbling. (Jude 24)

One day we will stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy. (Jude 24)

Isn’t that exciting? Reassuring?

Our responsibilities

But we have responsibilities too. For example:

We are to abide in Christ. (John 15:4)

We are to love one another, just as Christ has loved us. (John 15:12)

We were created for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

Look back

Now, look back at 2014 through His love for you.

What would the Lord like you to do more of?

What would He like you to do less of?

What makes you grateful?

What inspires you?

My story

I did an annual self-appraisal as part of my annual work performance review. I let my boss know how I thought I was doing.

A number of years ago I realized wasn’t doing anything similar with my real Boss. I began an annual process of spiritual self-appraisal. Of course, it isn’t really me appraising myself. It is a two-way process where I reflect and pray and hear from the Lord.

There are many ways to do this. Searching on “self-assessment” and “self-appraisal” generated nearly 50 million hits!”Spiritual Self-Appraisal” generated more than 200,000 hits.

As a thought-starter, here is what I do:

First, I start by reviewing the past year. I quickly read through my journal. Look at my calendar. What seemed to go well? What didn’t go so well?

Second, I look at my annual goals. Did I complete my goals, or at least make progress?

Third, I compare all of that to my over-all vision for my life.

As I do this, I listen for the Lord’s voice and take notes.

Fourth, I use the New Testament to challenge myself. For example:

Have I relied on Him more during the year than the previous one?

Did I grow in the knowledge and love of God?

Was I of service to others?

Did I love my neighbor as myself?

I usually hear the Lord point out areas that are pleasing to Him and areas I need to work on. I pay attention to what makes me grateful or inspired. And, then, this starts me thinking about where I should focus in the next year.

What about you?

Do you review the closing year?

What is your method?

Has the Lord spoken to you?

Closeup shot of Christmas trees and gifts

Gift Getting. Gift Giving.

December 21, 2014

When young children were asked what they wanted to get for Christmas, they gave many answers with great energy. Then, when they were given a choice of a big chocolate or a small chocolate, most took the big candy, leaving the small one for their companion.

When, instead, they were asked what presents they wanted to give, they also had answers. But then most took the small candy, giving the big chocolate for their companion. (See Does Santa Make You Selfish?)


What are you getting for Christmas?

God’s life-changing present for us isn’t under the tree. He gave us His Son. Our Savior is born.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)

Believers are justified as a gift. (Romans 3:23–24)

Believers are given living water. (John 4:10)

As a free gift, believers are given eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

Believers receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)


What are you giving this Christmas?

There is no remotely equivalent gift to give Him. God the Father gave His Son. The Son gave Himself.

In fact, everything is His. All we can do is give back to Him what He has already given us.

“For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given you.” (1 Chronicles 29:14)

The closest we can come to matching the gift God gave us is to give Him ourselves, using our time, talents and resources for His service, for His glory, to love our neighbor

What are you giving this year?

Is there a present under the tree for Jesus?

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When Storms Come: Will You Be Ready?

When Storms Come: Will You Be Ready? helps Christians not fear bad news, shows them how to handle current trouble, and helps them emerge stronger on the other side.

If when storms come will you be ready.

About me

I'm a Christian, wife, retiree, and author.
I love studying and putting knowledge into action. I'll share what I'm learning, encourage you, and urge all of us to press on to become more like Christ.

RSS Pressing On Together

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