Night river, dark water on the display of the website

The Prequel to Christmas

December 7, 2014

Wicked reveals things that happened before the events described in The Wizard of OzThe Hobbit is about events before the Lord of the Rings. Both are described as prequels.

The prequel to Christmas is John 1:1-3 and Philippians 2:5-8.

Jesus Christ is God and has been God from the beginning and has been with God from the beginning. Everything came into being through Him.

But, even though He was and is God, He didn’t regard that as something to assert. He was willing to be born a baby, to be a bond-servant. He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

So here is the prequel to both Christmas and Good Friday.

Think about it! Jesus Christ, God the Son, was born a baby. He willingly set aside equality with God in order to become a bond-servant, to be obedient, to die.

We tend to focus on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. His sacrifice started with laying aside equality with God. His sacrifice continued with being born a baby. And continued with obedience. And continued with His death on a cross.

It is all one piece.

The motivation? God’s love.

What an awesome God!


November 30, 2014

 I was sitting on a couch with a couple of grandkids and Tessie, a big, nice, territorial German Shepherd.

Tessie, her head on the back of the couch, growled at every passerby. The grandkids said “NO!”

After a few repetitions, Tessie put her head down on the couch. But another passerby got her up and growling.


This time Tessie got down from the couch and left the room.

Tessie had a strategy for getting out of trouble and modeled a good method for us: Flee temptation.

Flee temptation

First, Tessie moved so she couldn’t see the passersby.

But she could still hear them.

Then she left the area altogether.

That’s a good strategy for us as well.

I shouldn’t keep chocolate in the house. I shouldn’t walk by the work kitchen, especially when I know someone brought brownies. If Baskin-Robbins is a problem, I should use a different route.

My dad quit smoking by deciding no longer to buy cigarettes, and knowing he wouldn’t bum one.

Joseph fled Mrs. Potiphar (Genesis 39:12).

Tessie probably wanted to be with her family. But she didn’t want to be in trouble either.

We are told to flee. See 1 Corinthians 6:1810:141 Timothy 6:112 Timothy 2:22.

How to Flee

1) Resolve to flee. Making up your mind is the crucial first step.

2) Plan ahead. You can anticipate problem situations. Don’t be taken by surprise.

3) When you’re strong, make decisions that help you when you’re weak.

4) Don’t give temptation an audience. Flee temptation rather than arguing with it.

Fleeing is One of the Skills We Need

Learning to walk according to the Spirit is a life-long endeavor. It is much, much bigger than just fleeing from temptation. But fleeing is one skill we all need.

Questions for you

Is there anything you should flee from?

How is it going?

Advice for the rest of us?

Close view of wooden dining table

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

November 23, 2014

Did turkeys take longer to cook in those days? They must have. I woke to the aroma of roasting turkey and the three families and assorted guests didn’t come until 4. It was forever.

My mother–then a widow with a 9-year old son–began the tradition in 1943 by asking three families to join them. By the time she met and married my father during the war (no accident–he was related to one of the three families!) and I came along, Thanksgiving was an institution. The warmth of those days is with me still.

The four families celebrated everything together: holidays, birthdays, new homes, summer. It wasn’t until I was 12 I realized I wasn’t actually related to one of the families. But it didn’t matter. We loved each other. We were family.

Thanksgiving Day was another opportunity to give thanks for each other, for our traditions, for God’s goodness. My dad always offered grace: “Give us grateful hearts, our Father, for Thy many blessings. Make us mindful of the needs of others. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

“AMEN!” the 25 or so at the table said.

We sat at a table expanded by ping pong tables my dad shaped to fit our dining room table and covered with a tablecloth my mother made in 1943. The tablecloth was a focal point of our celebration. On it, carefully embroidered by my mother and grandmother, were the signatures of everyone eating at that table since 1943, and notations of where those absent were.

Before dinner everyone looked at The Thanksgiving Cloth. “Do you remember?” “Look how grown up her signature was that year.” “Oh–Johnny was away at school that year.” “Here’s John R’s . . . that was his last Thanksgiving.” “She brought her roommate.” “Tom was in Vietnam.” Do you remember… do you remember. . .

Our celebration was always open. Friends came. Out of town relatives and guests came. Last minute arrivals were welcome. There was always room for one more. And their signatures would be carefully embroidered on The Cloth.

These were powerful lessons for the children. Families matter. Traditions matter. God matters.

After dinner, we gathered around the piano. My “funnest” friend sang “Goodnight Irene” to his wife, Irene. We sang “Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue” to my brown-eyed sister-in-law. After old time favorites, we began singing Christmas carols as we drew names for our Christmas Eve gift exchange.

Did it take longer in those days for Christmas to come?

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

A woman walking through the snow

How to Keep Going

November 16, 2014

I can’t keep going. I can’t.

You’ve probably been there too. And we have lots of company: Job, Elijah, and Jeremiah, for example.

On Mount Carmel, the Lord dramatically showed He is God and Baal was not. Elijah then slew the prophets of Baal. This was an awesome demonstration of God’s power and confirmation that Elijah was His prophet.

But then Jezebel threatened Elijah and Elijah ran for his life. He asked the Lord that he might die. “It is enough; now, O LORD, take my life, for I am not better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19:4).

Elijah decided he could not go on.

Here are some things to think about

1. Ask yourself: “Should I keep going?”

Is this what God wants you to do, or it is something you concocted?

If it is what God wants you to do, did you embellish it? Are you doing more than He asked? For example, did He ask you to make dinner, but you decided to cook a gourmet five-course meal?

Did you set, for yourself, an unreasonable time frame?

Make sure you’re working on God’s plan and not your own.

2. Ask yourself: “Am I telling myself some lies?”

Elijah did. Elijah told the Lord he wasn’t any better than his fathers. Later he said: “I have been very zealous for the LORD… And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away” (1 Kings 19:10).

Elijah did not reflect on the recent events of Mount Carmel.

He was wrong that he alone was left. The Lord told him He had 7,000 in Israel.

Are you telling yourself some lies? For example:

I can’t do this.

No one cares.

God doesn’t care.

Lies, anxiety, and worry are strength sappers.

3. Ask yourself: “Am I physically exhausted?

You might be, and, if so, you need to get some rest.

Elijah was exhausted. He ran from Jezreel to Beersheba (more than 100 miles) and then went another day’s journey into the wilderness. And he lay down and slept under a juniper tree. Food (provided by God) and a rest helped him.

Without proper food and rest, “the journey is too great for you” (1 Kings 19:7).

Are you eating well? Are you resting?

I know finding a time and way to rest may be a project of its own, but rest is essential.

4. Speak truth to yourself.

When we’re hard pressed, it is easy to focus on the negatives and forget God’s glorious promises.

We have to take care what we listen to (Mark 4:24).


God does care. He loves you so much His Son died for you.

You DO have what it takes (2 Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 4:13, 19; 2 Peter 1:3).

5. Look further ahead

Don’t focus entirely on the tasks in front of you.

We do have a race to run. It takes endurance. We should fix “our eyes on Jesus… who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…” (Hebrews 12:2).

This is a great opportunity to learn to rely on God (2 Corinthians 12:9) and to learn to be content in your circumstance (Philippians 4:11).

6. Take time for God.

Make sure you are in His Word. Make sure you are praying.

It is God who comforts the depressed (2 Corinthians 7:6-7).

God can’t refresh you if you aren’t in His presence.

7. Remember: the Lord is coming!

Osprey bird flying closeup shot

But What are We to DO?

November 8, 2014

I sometimes wish God would give me the syllabus. I think it would be comforting to know what grade I’m in, what my classes are this term, when exams are scheduled.

Ok. So that isn’t going to happen.

How about if God gave me specific goals and objectives for the year?

Ok. So that isn’t going to happen either.

When I read Acts and the Epistles, I’m struck with how specific the Lord was with Paul.

Paul’s identity and mission

Paul was called as an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, set apart for the gospel, appointed a minister and a witness, sent to preach the kingdom of God, to teach concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, and to open the eyes of the Gentiles.

Paul knew who he was, whose he was, and his God-given mission.

We know much of that as well

We know Christ calls us by name and leads us. (John 10:3)

We know we are God’s people, His sons and daughters. (Ephesians 1:5)

We know we are saints, set apart by God. (Romans 1:7)

We know we are chosen of God, holy and beloved. (Colossians 3:12)

We know we are on a Christ-led journey to eternal glory. (1 Peter 5:10)

But what are we to DO?

The work of God is to believe whom He sent. (John 6:29)

We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:39)

We are appointed to bear fruit. (John 15:16)

We were created in Christ Jesus for good works (Ephesians 2:10)

We are to follow Christ. (Matthew 16:24)

Specific gifts of service

The specifics I long for arise out of the particular gifts and ministries allotted to me by the Holy Spirit.

Each of us is given gifts and ministries. These vary, but each of them is to be used for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

The gifts equip each of us for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

We are commanded to employ our own special gift in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10)

Your identity and mission

[Your name], a saint chosen and called by God to Himself through our Lord Jesus Christ, holy and beloved, equipped by the Holy Spirit for the work of service, chosen to proclaim God’s excellencies, appointed to bear fruit in every good work, and to build up the body of Christ.

Things to think about:

Put your name in that last paragraph. Read it aloud. I hope it gives you a tingle.

Don’t compare what you are doing (or not doing) to anyone else. Each of us receives different gifts. We are all part of the body of Christ, but we have different functions, different areas of service.

Pray about your specific gift and how you are to use it for His glory.

How are you doing?

A man and his dog looking at the trees and mountains

Have You Lost Your Sense of Purpose?

November 2, 2014

Are you an empty nester? Are you a widow or widower? Are you out of the work force because of job loss or retirement? Are you working, but your job doesn’t have meaning to you? Does health restrict your activity? Are you just tired of it all?

Have you lost your sense of purpose? Are you just going through the motions? Do you feel useless?

Stop Believing a Lie

Since you are reading this, you are still alive. (Duh!) Since you are alive, God has a purpose for you.

You are NOT useless. Don’t believe that lie.

God called you for a purpose

God saved you and called you to a holy calling. (2 Timothy 1:9-10)

God prepared good works for you to do (Ephesians 2:10)

God equipped you

God gave gifts to each of us. (Romans 12:6-81 Corinthians 12:1-11)

There are a variety of God-given gifts, but each of us has been equipped for the common good. (Romans 12)

Don’t miss this: YOU have a gift. YOU have a purpose.

God will fulfill His purpose for you

God is at work, both within you and within the world to accomplish His purpose.

It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)

God fulfills His purpose for me. (Psalm 57:2 and 138:8)

God won’t take you home until He has fulfilled His purpose for you.

“David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep … (Acts 13:36).”

David didn’t die until after he had served the purpose of God.

Things to do

To help identify your purpose and some shorter-term activities that seem God-driven, look to God. Read through the New Testament quickly looking for statements of purpose and activities that seem to be directed at you. Make a list. Do the same with the Old Testament. Pray about it.

This type of Bible reading is different than devotional reading or Bible study, both of which we should be doing. The advantage is that you identify what the Bible says about a theme. A concordance is not comprehensive enough. For example, there are many, many verses about worship that do not use the word “worship.” There are topical Bibles that can help, but the best way, by far, is to get directly into the Bible yourself. Let God speak to you through His Word. Hear from God directly about your purpose and the good works you are to be doing.

Get reoriented. Get committed.

What are you going to do today?

A man holding his child vintage photo

Called by Name

October 26, 2014


My dad often called me “KrisHoney,” saying it as all one word. I vividly remember his warmth.

Our names single us out. Being called by name means you’re not an extra in a big movie scene where you just take up space. A nameless blob in the crowd. Instead, you have a unique identity.

Being named means you are an individual. You are not like anyone else. No one, ever, is or was like you.

But think about this: God calls you by name.

You are not just one of billions to God. You have a name. You are singled out.

“See, I have called by name Bezalel…” (Exodus 31:2).

“Samuel! Samuel!” (1 Samuel 3:10).

[Christ] calls His own sheep by name and leads them. (John 10:3)

Are you one of Christ’s sheep?

If you believe in and trust Jesus Christ, you are in Jesus’ flock. Jesus calls you by name. He leads you, blesses you. He makes you lie down in green pastures. He leads you beside still waters. He restores your soul. (Psalm 23). (See Becoming a Child of God.)

We, believers, hear His voice. We know His voice. We are able to follow. When Lazarus, dead Lazarus, heard Jesus call his name, he came out of the tomb alive.

My Lord knows me by name. He calls me by name. It’s a personal relationship.

If you are a Christian, Christ knows you by name. He calls you by name. You are unique and special to Him.

We have been called to belong to Him (Romans 1:6). We are to rejoice that our names have been written in heaven (Luke 10:20).

Things to Think About

Christ calls you by name and leads you. Do you realize how special you are to Him?

Since you are named by God, how does that influence how you interpret your circumstances?

Can you live knowing, deeply knowing, you are His beloved?

Close view of a person enjoying the sunset view

Rest for the Glory of God

October 19, 2014

One of the first days of retirement I was sitting on a deck, looking out over the water, watching the birds, my feet up on the railing.

Doing nothing.

I had no “to do” list. I had no short-term goals. I didn’t have an up-coming performance appraisal.

I hadn’t thought yet about goals in retirement.

With some dismay, I realized I would have to learn how to do nothing.

Oh oh.

While I was working, I’d thought a lot about how to work for the glory of God. I’d thought about which parts of my work role I could emphasize to serve Him.

Now what?

“Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

How do I “do” retirement for the glory of God?

That answer evolved over the now five-plus years, and will continue to change, I’m sure.

But the first tasks were to rest physically, emotionally, and mentally. To slow down. God had thrown a switch and I’d been shuttled off the career track to a new one.

It took awhile to reorient. I threw myself into all the house projects I’d neglected. At one point my husband reminded me it didn’t all need to be done that day.

I am still learning what my priorities should be. And where to let go.

You are in a different spot than I am. You may still be working, or have children at home. Or even more demandingly, young children at home. You may be a caregiver for your spouse or other family member. You may be in school or retired.

In whatever situation, the principle is the same. Whatever we do, we are to do all for the glory of God.

And we cannot do it all. There are always priorities to set.

We need to remember that rest is God-given. Jesus took His disciples aside so they could rest. Rest, in a larger sense, is the theme of much of the Bible.

Here are some things for you to think about:

1) Whatever your situation, whatever you are doing, you are to do it all for the glory of God.

2) Regardless of your role(s), think about how you might tweak that role or emphasize certain parts of it in service to God.

3) Figure out how to get regular rest (physical, emotional, mental). Determine that you are going to do this. Remember, you are important to God and rest is important to you. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. We can rest for the glory of God. Sometimes, we should do “nothing” for the glory of God.

Closeup shot of California Brown Pelican Birds

A Little Help FOR Our Friends

October 12, 2014

Seagulls sometimes use pelicans to help them catch fish. They sit on the backs of pelicans and try to steal fish that the pelicans bring up. That’s in the “using” category rather than the “helping” category, I guess. But the pelicans tolerate it.

We can do better. We can help our friends in their quests to catch fish.

I am thinking of encouragement.

Think about a time you were working on some hard thing. You might have become tired and discouraged. But then someone came along and noticed the work you were doing, admired it, and encouraged you. I bet you had a huge boast. And were energized to keep going.

I react that way too.

A few examples

“Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who showed good insight in the things of the Lord. He appointed military officers … and spoke encouragingly to them … He set the priests in their offices and encouraged them in the service of the house of the LORD” (2 Chronicles 30:22; 32:6; 35:2).

“Each one helps his neighbor and says to his brother, “Be strong!” So the craftsman encourages the smelter, and he who smooths metal with the hammer encourages him who beats the anvil, saying of the soldering, “It is good”; and he fastens it with nails, so that it will not totter” (Isaiah 41:6–7).


Fundamentally, help comes from God. But we are commanded to encourage each other.

“Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

“We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone” (1 Thessalonians 5:14).

“But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13).


Encouragement is linked to:

Strengthening someone in action (Deuteronomy 1:38; 3:28; Isaiah 35:3-4; 41:6-7);

Hope (Romans 15:4; Hebrews 6:16-20);

Remaining true to the Lord (Acts 11:22-24);

Continuing in the faith (Acts 14:20-22);

Walking in a manner worthy of God (1 Thessalonians 2:10-12);

Building up one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

You matter

You matter in others’ lives. Resolve to encourage them.

Questions for you:

Think about a time you were encouraged by someone. What was your situation? How did you feel after you had been encouraged? Did being encouraged affect what you were doing? How?

Think about a time you encouraged someone else. Why did you encourage that person? What happened? How did you feel about it?

If Not Now, When?

October 5, 2014

A number of years ago I had trouble forgiving someone. One wretched morning, as I was sort of praying, sort of ruminating, wishing things were otherwise, I sensed the question: “If not now, when?”

That stopped me in my miserable tracks. Yes, I knew I was commanded to forgive. Yes, I knew that forgiving was in my best self-interest. I just was stuck.

But the question penetrated every barrier. If I were going to forgive someday, and I knew I would (or would have to), why not now? If I weren’t going to forgive at that moment, when would I? What would make it better to forgive at a future time rather than right that minute?

For me, that question got me over the hump. By an act of the will, I forgave right then. What release! What relief!

More recently, I relearned the power of that question. I had lost weight on a sensible plan, but had taken a break. While I had maintained my weight loss, I was having trouble recommitting to losing the rest of the weight. It takes energy and focus to stick to a weight loss program. But—“If not now, when?”

There are dangers in waiting. You’ll miss opportunities in the present. You’ll miss blessings now that might not be there in the future. Doors may close. (See The Last Knock.)

Is there something you need to do that you haven’t done? What is holding you back? What are you waiting for? What makes it better to do it in the future? What is the problem with now?

If not now, when?

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When Storms Come: Will You Be Ready?

When Storms Come: Will You Be Ready? helps Christians not fear bad news, shows them how to handle current trouble, and helps them emerge stronger on the other side.

If when storms come will you be ready.

About me

I'm a Christian, wife, retiree, and author.
I love studying and putting knowledge into action. I'll share what I'm learning, encourage you, and urge all of us to press on to become more like Christ.

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