On Purpose

A trail surrounded by tall trees in a forest.

God created us on purpose. God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27)  God gave our mothers conception for us to be born at this time, in this place. And the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth… (Ruth 4:13)  The Lord had closed…

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When It’s Over

The sun is setting over the ocean with clouds in the background.

When It’s Over In the gospels, there are several accounts of Jesus leaving a group and going away. In some verses, we read that Jesus hid Himself from them. This is, or should be, sobering. Terrifying, really. “While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light.” These…

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Does It Matter?

A yellow tree next to a body of water.

Does It Matter? We are commanded to pray for the lost. (1 Timothy 2:1-8) This can seem like an overwhelming endeavor with little or no result, especially when the person, or people, or groups are personally unknown to you. But it is a command. And we are told that “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish…

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Pray for the Lost!

A dirt trail in the woods.

Pray for the Lost! I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,…

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Yet More Evil

A sunset over a pine tree in a wooded area.

And yet more evil. I mourn about Afghanistan and the evil being done. I’m appalled at the lawless, wicked actions in the US and elsewhere. Lord! Help! Come soon! What We Should NOT Do Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers. (Psalm 37:1) Do not envy the prosperous wicked. (Psalm 37:7; Psalm 73)…

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The Urgency of Today

An image of a colorful cloud in the night sky.

Harry Durgin Facebook The Urgency of Today If we’re not going to do it now, when will we?  (See If Not Now, When?) And if we don’t do it now, might it be too late later?  (See It’s Too Late) We know Christ is coming, but we do not know the day or hour. It might be…

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It’s Too Late

A dog standing on a hill overlooking the ocean.

It’s Too Late The saddest words: “It’s too late.” “It might have been.” You wanted to do something and now you can’t. It’s too late. You could have been reconciled with a family member, and now you can’t. It’s too late. You could have protected your health, and now you can’t. It’s too late. In…

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If Not Now, When?

Three pocket watches sitting on top of a brown leather wallet.

If not now, when? A number of years ago I had trouble forgiving someone. One wretched morning, as I was sort of praying, sort of ruminating, wishing things were otherwise, I sensed the question: “If not now, when?” That stopped me in my miserable tracks. Yes, I knew I was commanded to forgive. Yes, I…

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Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

Red geraniums and purple geraniums in a flower bed.

Sacrifice of Thanksgiving A sacrifice costs us something.  When times are good, when the Lord says “yes” to our prayers, thanksgiving is easy. But when times are bad or the Lord says “no,” it costs us to give Him thanks. Yet we are commanded to give thanks in everything, during good times or bad. In…

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