Holy and Blameless

Onomea falls. Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve and Garden on Onomea bay. Harry Durgin

The love of God for His adopted children (Ephesians 1:5) is incomprehensible.

He is holy and we are not. Yet He chose to save us, declaring us righteous, and now working to make us into the image of Christ. (Romans 8:29-30)

In this world, we continue to sin, although less and less as we grow in grace.

But our sins, the sins of those who have come to saving faith, do not result in condemnation (Romans 8:1).

Instead, out of love, He disciplines us, leading us to more steadfastly follow our Lord God.

And He promises to glorify us (Romans 8:30).

He promised we will be holy and blameless before Him! (Ephesians 1:4)

Us! Holy and blameless!

And for eternity He will show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus! (Ephesians 2:7)

Holy and blameless! That is going to be us who believe in Christ Jesus, who have received Him as Lord and Savior.

Amazing grace!

Praise Him!

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