Posts by Pressing On Together
Saving Faith
Harry Durgin Facebook Apostle Paul told the Corinthians to examine themselves to see if they were in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). How do we do that, and how do we help others do that? What is Saving Faith? These have been written [by John in his gospel] so that you may believe that Jesus…
Read MoreFeeling Unforgiven? Christians have been saved from the penalty of sin, and are in the process of being saved from the power of sin (sanctification). While we are in this world, we still sin, but less and less and we grow in the Lord. God gives us a fabulous, iron-clad promise: If we confess our sins,…
Read MoreWrath or Mercy
I’ve heard number of comments lately that we should not assume everyone in our congregations, our groups, our friends and family are saved. Probably not all readers of this blog know the Lord. One famous caution is D.L. Moody preaching just before the great Chicago fire. At the end of the service, he asked his…
Read MoreBe a Blessing
We have a purpose! Almighty, everlasting, creator God has a purpose for us! Among the specifics of God-given purpose for Christians is to be a blessing. Christians have been blessed and are to be a blessing. I [Yahweh] will bless you [Abram] … and so you shall be a blessing. (Genesis 12:2) Being a blessing…
Read MoreNever Give In. Never Give Up.
Given my private pilot history, and my husband’s extensive commercial pilot experience, we watch a lot of aviation shows. I am so overwhelmed with the skilled and disciplined pilots who fight to the end, never giving up, sometimes to a safe, or at least survivable, landing, sometimes to disaster. They continue to apply their knowledge…
Read MoreThe Blame Game
Humans have been blaming others for their own actions since the Garden of Eden when Adam blamed God, and Eve blamed the serpent. I’ve heard blame called “The Second Original Sin.” The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.” Then the LORD…
Read MoreJoy Comes in the Morning
Harry Durgin, Kahakai Park, 21 June 2022, 5:47 am Joy is Permanent, Eternal For the child of God* Jesus Christ is our joy. Christ, our joy, is in us, and we in Him. Joy is eternal. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy…
Read MoreThe Stench of Pride
Pride is a universal human condition (except for Jesus, of course). I know I’m prideful. “Look at what I’ve done!” “Wasn’t I wise to decide that?” Alas! Pride is really self-worship. It’s exalting in one’s perceived excellence, one’s own importance. Pride wants recognition, praise, glory for oneself. Pride dismisses God. “Look at me! Who needs…
Read MoreGod is Intentional
At one point in my career, we often talked about being intentional, being purposeful. We wanted better to align our activities with our goals. Being intentional is a good plan for life. If we don’t know where we want to go, any road will get us there! When we have a goal, deliberately working towards…
Read MoreHow Long, Yahweh?
Harry Durgin, Kilauea Crater, 2 March 2021 In these very troubled times, we should learn from Habakkuk. Like Habakkuk, many of us are crying out to God about the wickedness in our world. There is violence, iniquity, wickedness, destruction, strife, contention, perverted justice … and more. (Habakkuk 1:3-4) When Yahweh told Habakkuk what He was going…
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