There have been, are, and will be storms in your life. So there.
Past storms may still affect you.
Current storms may feel overwhelming.
The idea of future storms may frighten.
The Past
Christians must remember that God is in control of ALL of it. He was in control of past storms, and is in control of how past storms affect you now. We are responsible for our actions (and thoughts and words). Not all mistakes are sin (we are human beings with limited knowledge and abilities), but we definitely sinned and affected our circumstances.
The Present
For Christians, God is in control of the storms you are going through right now. He uses these storms to make you better, to make you more like Christ. Through prayer, His word, and the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, you are guided to sail through your storm in a godly manner.
The present is a sort of hinge. We have to deal with the past and present by confessing sin, repenting and not repeating our sins. We have to learn from our mistakes (not all errors are sin!). But then we have to press on, learn not to fear the storms to come.
One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14)
The present is the time to prepare for future storms.
Knowing who God is, and what we are to Him, and developing rock-solid trust in Him is the key. There are no short cuts. We have to study God’s word, pray without ceasing, and learn to see His hand in everything. As we obey, we learn He is true and that He is trustworthy.
The Future
For Christians, we should not fear future storms.
He [the man who fears the Lord] will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. (Psalm 112:7)
I know storms are coming, but I don’t know what or when. To be ready, to not fear the coming storm, focus on God, and learn to rely on His loving faithfulness. Trust Him!
To explore this in depth, see my book When Storms Come. The book is now out of print, but there are some used copies, and Kindle is still available. I do have a few left, so you also can contact me.