Resurrection Sunday

Rejoice! Christ is risen!

He was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 1:4)

This momentous event is the key to everything.

Because Christ lives, Christ lives in believers.*

Because Christ is eternal, we will live with Him for eternity.

God proved by Christ’s resurrection that those in Christ would also be resurrected, and receive glorified bodies.

All this is incomprehensible, but it is true.

Because He lives, we have His presence and help now, hope now, and unending bliss ahead.



*Don’t be left out! Almighty God created you and has the right to tell you how to live. Your sins (my sins, everyone’s sins) separated us from God and mean we can only expect God’s wrath. Repent of your sins and turn to God’s Son, Jesus Christ, in belief and trust. Receive Christ as Lord and Savior. And then, you will live because He lives.

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