Shrewd As Serpents

An owl perched on a tree branch.

We live in a fallen world, as sheep among wolves. We are to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:6) In ancient days, serpents were used as a symbol of wisdom. Being shrewd as serpents includes accurately assessing people and situations, anticipating events, and handling situations with good judgment. Now, our symbol…

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He is Risen!

A palm tree with white flowers.

I wonder: Do they sell pendants of the empty tomb? He suffered for us on the cross, died, and was buried. He rose from the dead. The cross is empty. The tomb is empty. Jesus Christ is, and was, and is to come. (Revelation 1:8) Because He lives, we also have a past, present, and…

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I Can, But Will I?

A young boy running in the ocean with a hat on.

This website, Pressing On Together, is based on the goal all Christians have: To grow in our Christian life, and become more like Jesus Christ. (See Welcome.) God guarantees He will make us in the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). He is working in us to make that happen. At the same time I, and you,…

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Remembering Cures Scared

A desk with two laptops and a vase of tulips.

I periodically wake up at night and anxiously open my eyes to see if I can see. Until a little more than a year ago, I didn’t worry about my sight, but then I suddenly had a significant problem with my vision and had four eye surgeries. God was so merciful to restore my vision.…

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Praise Becomes You

A pelican flying over the water.

When you (men and women) want to look your best, you are apt to wear a specific color. Probably you wear a color others have admired on you, and have said something like: “Blue becomes you,” that is, you look great in blue. You pay particular attention to that comment if it’s said by a special date,…

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Our Noise Problem

NFL Stadiums now compete to be the loudest, which handicaps the opposing team’s offense. The current record holder is Kansas City. “Kansas City Chiefs fans’ broke Seattle Seahawks’ fans’ record of having the loudest outdoor stadium by creating 142.2 decibels worth of noise at Arrowhead Stadium Monday night [September 29, 2014]. ‘The Chiefs tweeted a…

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Be Intentionally Grateful

Fruits and vegetables on shelves in a grocery store.

Many years ago, my mom told me about a visitor from Romania. When the visitor went to the grocery store and saw the huge array of fresh fruit and vegetables, she burst into tears. Fresh fruit and vegetables were in short supply in her country. Seeing such abundance was overwhelming. When was the last time?…

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DON’T Look Both Ways

Since we were very young, we were told: “Look both ways!” That’s a basic safety drill to assure we can safely cross streets. But it’s often fatal from a spiritual perspective. If we look to God and we look to ourselves, if then we act on our own, we can easily get run over. Don’t Look Both Ways Think…

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Sins as a Symptom of a Fatal Disease

When you’re sick, sometimes your physician treats the symptoms, and sometimes he or she diagnoses and treats the underlying condition. For most viral illnesses, for example, the appropriate action is to reduce the signs and symptoms of the illness, for example, addressing fever or muscle pain, since current medicine doesn’t treat the underlying problem. Sometimes,…

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Not Forever, Just Until

Three white birds standing on a concrete wall.

Are you going through a hard time? The more difficult your circumstances, the longer your situation seems to last. It’s Not Forever, Just Until But, for the child of God, whatever you are going through is not forever. It is just “until.” Your situation might be temporary until the Lord is finished working on you…

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