Remembering Cures Scared

I periodically wake up at night and anxiously open my eyes to see if I can see.

Until a little more than a year ago, I didn’t worry about my sight, but then I suddenly had a significant problem with my vision and had four eye surgeries. God was so merciful to restore my vision. (See Practical Exam for the beginning of this trial)

And He was so gracious throughout the journey, answering my prayers for direction, teaching me about Himself, and helping me trust Him.

I worry now because I forget

So why in the world would I worry now?

I forget what God has done.

I know I must consciously refresh my memory.

Remembering cures scared.

Here is what is true:

  1. God is sovereign; He is in control of my eyesight (and everything else).
  2. God loves me.
  3. God has a loving purpose for what happens to me.
  4. God is trustworthy.
  5. God is with me and for me (whether or not I have my sight).
  6. God will accomplish His purpose for my life (whether or not I have my sight).
  7. God uses my circumstances to make me into the image of His Son.


Throughout the Bible we are constantly told to remember, because God’s faithfulness in the past confirms He is faithful in the present, and will be faithful in the future.

Remember this day in which you went out from Egypt, from the house of slavery; for by a powerful hand the Lord brought you out from this place. (Exodus 13:3)

Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? ….Do you not yet understand? (Mark 8:18–19, 21)

The next time I wake up scared, I am determined to:

  1. Remember who He is
  2. Remember what I am to Him
  3. Decide to trust Him

When I’m scared, it is a symptom of forgetting. Remembering cures scared.

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