Praise the Bread of Life

Do you want to feel closer to the Lord? Praise Him. “Yet You are holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3) This is the second post in our praise series, but there are an infinite number of reasons to praise Him. Praise the Bread of Life Our Lord Jesus…

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How to Remedy Despair

Red flowers on a bush in a park.

Despair? David was in despair, but didn’t know why. Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? (Psalm 42:5) There was no answer to “Why?” But we are given a remedy to despair. Here is how to remedy despair: Shift Focus by Remembering 1) Shift your focus…

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Unprayed Prayers

Two rvs parked next to each other in a parking lot.

A friend of mine had mechanical problems during a long distance road trip. They broke down within five miles of a mechanic who had worked on another issue several years before. They (and I) had prayed for a safe and uneventful trip, which was not answered with a “Yes.” But if they had known they…

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Act on our Faith

A boy wearing an american flag hat shoveling snow.

Jesus Healed the Blind Man Jesus was walking away from Jericho, and a blind man cried out “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and said: “Call him here.” The blind man jumped up and came to Jesus. Jesus then asked him what he wanted, and the blind man said: “Rabboni, I want…

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Praise the Abider

A cloud in the sky with a face on it.

God’s children, followers of Jesus Christ, are called to praise God–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Praise and thanksgiving are part of our sacrifices to Him, and bring blessing. Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. (Hebrews 13:15) We should praise…

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How to Prepare for What’s Coming

A bird flies through a cloudy sky at sunset.

You may be anticipating something, good or bad. Or there may be a variety of possible events. How do you prepare for what’s coming? Paul knew he was going to be executed. What he did helps us know how to get ready. How to Prepare for What’s Coming # 1 Walk in a manner worthy…

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You Cannot Have Both

A bird is walking in the water.

You cannot have both. Every choice eliminates the alternative. You buy a particular book. With that money, you cannot also have a different book. You choose to do a particular activity. You cannot also use that specific amount of time to do something else. Regardless what you choose, that time is gone. The opportunity is…

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Self-Criticism: Good and Bad

A sunset over a body of water with palm trees.

A little girl was crying. When her grandfather asked why she was crying, she said she’d been talking to herself… and, well, “Things were said.” Are you so self-critical that you live in your own self-condemnation? Or do you confess your sin, and accept the forgiveness and cleansing of God? Do you focus on your…

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God Welcomes His Children Home

A lighthouse sits on top of a rocky cliff.

You’ve probably heard this story. A missionary returned home after many difficult years. Also onboard was a famous person, whose arrival was celebrated with welcoming crowds, and bands, and balloons, and cheering. When the missionary disembarked into silence, with no one to greet him, he asked the Lord about it. The Lord said, “Son, you’re…

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Holy and Blameless

Orange and yellow flowers on a bush in front of a house.

You, beloved child of God*, will be holy and blameless when Christ presents you to the Father. (Ephesians 1:4, 5:27; Colossians 1:22) Now read that again, capturing this truth for you personally: “I will be holy and blameless when Christ presents me to the Father.” You are loved: Loved by the holy and all-powerful God (See, for…

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