Unprayed Prayers

A friend of mine had mechanical problems during a long distance road trip. They broke down within five miles of a mechanic who had worked on another issue several years before.

They (and I) had prayed for a safe and uneventful trip, which was not answered with a “Yes.”

But if they had known they would have mechanical problems, they would have prayed for those problems to happen close to that particular mechanic.

Unprayed Prayers

It sounds to me like an answer to the prayer they would have prayed if they had known.

How often is that the case? We do not know the future, but God does. We do not know what we will need, but God does.

In God’s miraculous providence, He uses a gazillion actions and events to bring circumstances together to accomplish His purposes. And, remember, He loves us and is fitting us for eternity.

In your life, where do you see the hand of God? Where do you think He prevented something, or caused something?

He is always at work, but we often don’t pay attention.

What are your answers to unprayed prayer?

Thank God for His answers to unprayed prayers

Thank God for His presence in your life, His constant lovingkindness, His mercies that are fresh everyday.

Thanks to our loving, sovereign God.

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