Posts by Pressing On Together
God’s Gift of Hope
At Christmas we, of course, rejoice about Christ’s birth. God with us. The eternal Word made flesh. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) For believers, those who have repented, believed, and received…
Read MoreHabits
Tomorrow will be like today, only more so. (Isaiah 56:12) Huh?! That verse puzzled me for years, but now I see how it applies to habits. What we do (or don’t do) today reinforces what we do (or don’t do) tomorrow. Our habit becomes stronger or weaker. If we want to start or strengthen a routine,…
Read MoreDo Not Fret
Current events have, for me anyway, highlighted evil doers. And not only that, it can seem that they’re winning. Too often I focus on bad times, horrible events, evil deeds. It is easy for me to fret about it. Do not fret But God tells me not to fret. Do not fret because of evildoers. (Psalm…
Read MoreTime is Up!
Time’s Up! Many activities have time limits I remember teachers saying: “Time’s up. Close your booklets. Put down your pen. Hand in your exam.” Fans watch the clock count down to the end of the game. People watch the ball marking the time left to the new year. Spiritual time limits Salvation Today if you hear…
Read MoreGrateful
Give us grateful hearts, our Father, for Your many blessings. Make us mindful of the needs of others. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Read MoreGiving Thanks for our Trustworthy God
What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day? It is a good exercise to stop and count our blessings, both spiritual and temporal. There are many! Today, though, I am giving thanks that God is trustworthy. I am thankful that God is the one in whom I trust. I don’t/can’t/shouldn’t put my trust in…
Read MoreGod Keeps His Promises
God Keeps His Promises God, through His word, has made many promises. Some of His promises are for the whole world, some are for Israel, some are for the nations, some are specific for those who reject Him, some are specific for those who believe. All, ALL, of His promises have been or will be…
Read MoreGod’s Light in a Dark World
God’s Light in a Dark World The world is increasingly dark. We rejoice that the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that His light shines in the darkness. We rejoice that we, believers, have been rescued from darkness to receive light and life in Him, and to walk in His light. God…
Read MorePrepare to Praise
Prepare to Praise! You may—or may not—be pleased with the election results at federal, state, or local levels. Either way, praise God! Determine now to praise Him, He who is worthy of all praise. God is Sovereign Remember, God is sovereign over the affairs of men. The Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and…
Read MoreSecond Wind
Second Wind We are exhorted to keep going, press on, finish the race. We have a calling, a purpose in this world. We have a course God set for us. We are not to grow weary. This is challenging! But, think about it. God knows us better than we know ourselves. He has a purpose…
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