Why did Lazarus Die?

Hard times come for each of us.

We have a choice how to interpret those difficulties and we have a choice how to respond.

If we can see God’s love behind, through and in front of the event, we are much more apt to respond in a way that honors Him.

If we can see a purpose in the pain, we can overcome.

We act and speak out of the heart, so we need to get our hearts right.

The role of Jesus’ love in Lazarus’ death hit me recently (John 11:5-6).

When Jesus heard Lazarus was ill, He stayed where He was two more days. He stayed where He was until Lazarus died.

When Jesus arrived, both Martha and Mary told Him they knew if He had been there, Lazarus would not have died.

But Jesus wasn’t there and Lazarus died.

Martha and Mary were plunged into grief.

And why did Jesus not go to them until after Lazarus’ death?

“Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So … He then stayed two days longer …” (John 11:5-6).

Because Jesus loved them, He deliberately stayed away until after Lazarus had died.

Because Jesus loved them, Lazarus died.

Because Jesus loved them, they saw Jesus bring Lazarus back to life.

Because Jesus loved them, He proved He was the resurrection and the life.

Because Jesus loved them, this hard time came. It was for their sakes.

The purpose of the pain was for the glory of God:

– so that the Son of God may be glorified (v 4)

– so that the disciples might believe (v. 15)

– so that they (the people standing around) may believe that You sent Me (v. 42).

If you are a Christian, there is a God-given “so that” in your pain.There is a purpose in your pain. God’s love is behind your hard time. . Because Jesus loves you, you are going through something. Not in spite of Jesus, but because of Jesus.

You may be in the middle of something hard. Consider why the Lord’s love for you may be behind it.

Think through the benefits of Lazarus’ death. Which of those apply to your situation? What other benefits have you seen? What other benefits seem likely?

Remember that God brings good out of everything for His children (for those who love God and are called according to His purpose). He is conforming us to the image of His Son. (Romans 8:28-29)

Choose to believe God loves you before, during, and after your trial.

Choose to believe God is bringing good out of your tragedy.

Choose to believe this trial is helping you grow.

Where is your heart? Can you reinterpret your hard time to see God’s love in it?

Please share how God revealed Himself to you in one of your hard times.

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Pressing On Together