When a Loss is Really a Win

I lost a job I loved in a company I loved.

That is clearly a loss. Isn’t it? Or is it?

God moves us

Not long after I lost my job, I read, as if for the first time, Deuteronomy 6:23. Moses told the Israelites to tell their sons that the Lord brought them out of Egypt in order to bring them into the promised land.

God had to take me out of my company in order to bring me into a new “land,” a new situation with new opportunities.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and spent thirteen years as a slave or in prison. That appears to be an unmitigated disaster. But when we read the entire story, we learn that God moved Joseph from Canaan to Egypt to preserve many people alive.

When we learn the whole story, we see it was a win, not a loss, even though there was suffering.

We might be comfy where we are. We might even be in a productive avenue of service.

But God, for His own reasons, has the right and the power to move us. We are His servants, and we are at His disposal.

I can’t give you God’s reasons for taking me out of my company. But, more than five years later, I am very happily retired, I have a book that is being published, and I have this web site. I have different areas of service than I did, but God has me where He wants me.

God shapes us

Another category of “loss” that is really a win is when He prunes us.

If you are bearing fruit, Jesus tells us the Father will prune you so that you might bear more fruit.

Pruning is a win. And it is certification that you had been bearing fruit.

It might not be fun at the time, but pruning is a compliment, and it is an indication we’ll bear more fruit in the future.

If God moves you or prunes you

1. Determine to look at the long run, not just the immediate issues. Try to see it through the lens of eternity.

2. Don’t bother to ask “why.” God seldom answers that question. Instead, ask Him what He wants you to do with your loss. Ask Him to give you a vision of what you might do in the future. Ask Him what He wants you to do now. Remember, “now” is really all we have. But “now” also prepares us for what He may ask in the future.

3. Praise Him. He is in control of both our losses and our wins. Our life and times are in His hands. Even though we don’t understand, we can be certain that He loves us and has a loving purpose for moving us or pruning us.

4. Remember, you have an opportunity to witness to Him in every loss and in every win. Don’t let the chance slip away.

Questions for you:

Has God moved you or pruned you?

What happened?

How are you viewing it now?

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Pressing On Together