This post stemmed from horror. (You can pick specifics.)
Evil is wicked, dreadful, revolting, is … What’s more, people are proud of their evil deeds, and people are proud of others’ evil deeds.
And yet we shouldn’t be surprised. The Bible tells us evil will increase. And it is. And it is going to get worse.
But God!
There is a righteous Judge who sees everything. A righteous Judge who knows motives as well as thoughts, words, and deeds. A righteous Judge who will act when the time is right.
Almighty God will deal with evil and with wicked people. He will separate the righteous from the unrighteous. He will take the righteous to heaven, and the unrighteous will die in their sins.
Right Now
Right now, He is being patient, not wanting any to perish.
Right now, He has a purpose for those who believe in Christ.
Right now, believers have a charge to fulfill in this wicked world.
Believers’ charge
Right now, we are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We are to prove we are Christ’s disciples by loving one another.
We are to fulfill Jesus’ great commission.
Time is short
For those reading this post who haven’t yet repented and believed in Christ Jesus to save you from your sins: The time is short. Please be honest with yourself. You have sinned against your Creator. You have to repent and turn to Christ. If you do, God will save you. If you don’t, you will die in your sins.
See Praise the Judge.