Mike Rowe’s Dirty Jobs shows a series of necessary jobs where the workers get dirty. Honestly, I have yet to see a job I would like to have! (!)
One job was at a chicken/egg farm. Mike asked a series of workers whether the chicken or the egg came first. Until the last worker, they all said the chicken same first.
The last worker Mike asked said (basically), that the answer depended on whether or not you believed in God. If you believed God who created the living creatures, the swarms in the waters, birds, and creatures of the land, then the chicken came first. If you didn’t believe God, but believed in anti-God evolution, then the egg came first.
To the point!
The Long War Against God, by Henry Morris, discusses the very long history of evolution (it started way before Darwin), the impacts of belief in evolution, and the unsuccessful search for the proof of evolution. I highly recommend the book.
Thank You, God, that You are who You say You are. Help us study Your word and rejoice in You.