This post is for those who have peace WITH God, for those who have been reconciled to God, having peace with God through the blood of Christ’s cross (Colossians 1:20).
Before we can have the peace OF God, we must have peace WITH God.
The war in Israel has escalated.
The world has strong, divided, opinions about the war in Israel, with violence in many places. Warnings have been issued to travelers.
Turmoil of all sorts, unrelated to the war in Israel, is happening all over the world.
There will not be peace on the earth until the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) rules.
The Key to Our Peace
We will not have peace ourselves until the Prince of Peace rules us!
For He Himself is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).
We are commanded to not let our hearts be troubled. That is possible through our belief in Christ, our belief in God. (John 14:1)
As Christians, we believe in Christ, in God. Our challenge is to increasingly believe what He says, what He promises.
We don’t have to be anxious because the Lord is near and is not passive. He is at work. We are not in control, but the sovereign God who loves us is in control. He is working His plan to bring people to glory and to judge the wicked. He is watching over His children. And we know the ending for us and for the world.
When we are at one with God, when we are aligned (submissive) with His purposes, we have His peace. When we want our own way, rather than God’s way, we are troubled, anxious.
The God of Peace (Philippians 4:9) and His plan, must be more important to us than our agenda. Our hope has to be in Him.
We have God’s peace—let it rule.
Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. (2 Thessalonians 3:16)