We see the world through our own points of view. “You are the window through which you see the world.”
For the self-righteous, narcissist, and self-centered, it is me-centered. “My truth.” “How does this affect me?” “Me, Myself, and I.” They are the main characters in their own play.
For the Christian
For the Christian, as we grow in the Lord, we know His truth more and more, and increasingly see the world through God’s word, through sanctified spiritual eyes. We increasingly want to see ourselves, our situations, and the world, through God’s eyes, with eternity in mind.
In our relationships with others, we are more apt to consider their points of view. We are more apt to feel compassion, empathy, and learn from others.
We have the responsibility to recognize when we are thinking/feeling/acting from our own me-centered point of view and deliberately seek our Lord’s guidance. For example: “I am really really REALLY angry.” We must learn how to stop (sometimes that isn’t easy!) and ask the Lord for help. And then do what He says! And then, confess.
This is a process.
Our role in developing a God-centered point of view is to:
- Study God’s word. Reflect on His word. Apply His word to our lives. Believe Him!
- Pray.
- Ask ourselves: What does God’s word say about this? What should I think about this situation? Is there something I should do?
- And do what He says. We learn as we obey.
Press on!