Opening Up
The US is opening up after more than two months of various restrictions due to the new virus. Our individual experiences were and are very different. In my own family some continued to work, some began home schooling their children, some had their businesses closed, one lost his job permanently. Each of us had and have challenges.
During both strict and relaxed restrictions, we had and have opportunities. Our routines were affected, even if we continued to work. For most of us, we had more time at home. Shopping for essentials changed. Shopping for anything changed.
These changes generated new opportunities. How did we use the additional time at home? Did we respond with grace to shortages of items we needed?
There are new opportunities now that restrictions are being eased. We may be out of the house more, or back to work, or in summer routine rather than homeschooling. There are new conflicts between those who wear masks and those who don’t. There is disagreement, sometimes heated, about how fast to reopen. There are long standing political conflicts.
As Christians, we have opportunities to use hardship, disappointments, and conflicts to honor God and demonstrate to others His love and power. We have new chances to testify about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am praying to recognize these opportunities and to speak up in love and gentleness.
I think God gave the whole world a reminder that we are not in charge, He is. Let’s witness to Him while we can.
The US is opening up. Let us open up also.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)