Miscarriage of Justice

We can think of lots of examples of miscarriage of justice, where the innocent are punished or the guilty go free. Or, in general, where there are no consequences, or the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.

An “acquitted murderer.” A violent rioter who damaged property or people and wasn’t charged or was charged but immediately set free. A person flagrantly violating God’s precepts, but lecturing us on morality. Or someone honoring God and charged with a crime. Oh well, build your own list.

Even when a person is correctly found guilty, of murder, say, and given the death penalty, the grieving friends and family still mourn.

We long for just justice.

There is only one who can and will deliver just justice: Almighty God. Not only is He the law giver, but He knows everything, including the deepest motives, and He has the power to administer judgment.

And there is only One who can help those who are harmed. For Christians, in this world, God brings good out of these awful things (Romans 8:28). In heaven our loving sovereign will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4).

Come, Lord Jesus!

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