Lies We Believe
All of us believe lies, some are spiritual lies from the father of lies, Satan (John 8:44); other lies affect our “normal” routines.
One of the lies I believe is that when I get caught up, I can rest. That lie keeps me going, which can be good, but it creates stress when I’m not working on something, and think I should be, which is not always good.
More serious though, are the spiritual lies Christians believe. We might believe God doesn’t love us, or that we can lose our salvation, or that He won’t bring good out of everything, or that we …
The remedy to stop believing spiritual lies is to know the Truth: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the Word. Then we can identify what lies we believe and counter the lies with truth. (See Don’t Listen to Lies.)
For other lies affecting our day to day living, as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18), we will live more and more in His truth, in His way. Those pesky lies will become apparent and we can learn how to live as He would want. That is a life time project!
And, despite the photo (we may get 20” of snow today and tonight), spring is coming.
Father, help us know Your truth and live in Your truth. Help us abide in Christ day by day, living lives that are pleasing to You.