We are commanded to rejoice. Commanded.
But how? How can we rejoice in troubled times, in suffering, in loss?
Joy is a Perspective
The key for me is realizing that joy is a perspective, not an emotion.
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials… (James 1:2)
… we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance… (Romans 5:3)
“Consider” and “knowing” are perspective words, not emotional ones.
When we are in trials or tribulations, if we focus on our emotions, we won’t be able to rejoice at how our faithful, loving sovereign God is at work. We must shift our focus to God.
God-Centered Focus
We need to focus on the reality of our holy God at work in us and in the world. We must believe and trust in Him.
Work on remembering who He is and His promises to believers; the reality of what He is currently doing.
Repeat what you remember, what the Lord has shown you.
Tell the Lord what He taught you.
And do this during your trials and tribulations, all through your days, whether pleasant or not.
And rejoice!
Father, help us center our view of the world and our circumstances on You. Please give us an eternal perspective. Help us believe all that You say. Help us trust You fully, regardless of our situation, knowing that You are working your holy plan, and that You will make all things right. Help us rejoice in You.