How to Pray for What You Already Have

Too often I will pray for something God has already given me.

My problem isn’t that I lack God’s resources but that I don’t apply His provision in my life.

Don’t Pray to Receive What You Already Have

If I pray for strength to cope with something, or the ability to do what He told me, I’m praying for the wrong thing. I’ve been told that I “can do all things through Him who strengthens” me (Phil. 4:13).

If I pray for His guidance, I’m ignoring that He always guides me (John 16:13).

If I pray for His grace, I overlook that He has freely and richly given me His grace (Ephesians 1:6-7).

If I pray for joy, I discount Jesus’ promise: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full” (John 15:11).

I have been given “everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3).

But I Don’t Always Use What I’ve Been Given

But I am not always joyful.

I too often believe I am not able to do what I know the Lord wants me to do.

I pray for the wrong things.

Pray to Apply What You Already Have

Instead of praying for peace, or joy, or guidance, or strength, which you’ve already been given as a child of God, pray that the Lord will help you understand and apply His gifts in your life, in your situation.

Lord, thank You that You have given me the ability to accomplish Your direction. Thank You that You will guide me as I work in this situation. Please help me clearly understand what to do. Please help me get started and keep going.

Lord, thank You that You given me Your Word, help me understand what You would have me do. Thank You that You are with me now and will be with me as I, in Your strength, go about my day. Help me stay alert to You (Luke 21:36).

Lord, thank You that You already have given me everything pertaining to life and godliness. I am determined to use Your gifts in the life You have given me. Help me continually look to You for the guidance You’ve promised. Help me demonstrate Your power and love today.


How are you going to pray—right now?

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