How Long?

Q: How long, Lord?

A: As long as necessary.


God is in control of the length of our trials and the depth of our trials. Trials last as long as our loving, sovereign, Savior deems necessary. Trials are as hard as required for His purpose.

Remember and Consider and Pray

Remember God loves you, is making you more in the image of His Son, will glorify you, and will take you home to heaven.

Remember that God has a holy purpose in this trial. His purpose is to sanctify you.

Consider that God is using your trial not only for His work in you, but that also He uses your trial in the lives of others.

God has told you the purpose of your trial. Your trial will:

  • Perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you (1 Peter 5:10),
  • Produce endurance so that you may be perfect and complete (James 1:3-4),
  • Bring about perseverance, proven character, hope (Romans 5:3-4)

Pray for His wisdom in how you should live during this period.

Pray for His strength.

Remember He has given you everything you need for life and godliness. Pray to appropriate His gifts. (2 Peter 1:3)

Pray for understanding. He might tell you specifics of what He is doing to purify you, which could help in your reaction and growth.

Thank Him that He loves you so much He is making you more godly.


Father, thank You that You are our loving God, working in our lives to make us more like Your beloved Son. Thank You that You are always with us, growing us and helping us walk in a manner worthy of Your great love. Help us praise You during the trials You bring and help us respond in ways that please You.


“How long?” has been on my mind for some time. See a post from 2015: How Long, Lord?

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Pressing On Together