Give thanks. Always. In everything.

“He improves every room he walks into.”

That was said about a professional athlete who maintains a cheerful attitude whether or not he is playing well.

Is that true of me? True of you?

How did those Jesus healed respond?

The gospels often do not record the response of the person Jesus healed or that of the onlookers. Where we get glimpses of reactions we see:

– rejoicing

– imploring Jesus to leave their region

– being awestruck

– glorifying God

– telling others

– conspiring to kill Jesus

– following Him

– believing in Him

– worshipping

In only one account (I think) does the healed person thank Jesus. In Luke 17, ten lepers asked Jesus to have mercy on them. Jesus told them “Go and show yourselves to the priests” (Luke 17:14).

One of the ten, “when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice, and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him” (Luke 17:15-16).

Jesus said: “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine—where are they?” (Luke 17:17).

Christians are expected to be thankful. We should have a consistent “attitude of gratitude.” We should always be the one who gives thanks to God.

Why be thankful?

God commands His children to be thankful.

Thankfulness honors God.

God hates grumbling.

Thanksgiving reorients us to reality. We have so much to be grateful for.

Thanksgiving is the cure for grumbling, worry, impatience. It is the substitute that changes everything.

Gratitude is a witness to others.

How can you make thanksgiving a habit of life?

1. Count your blessings, both spiritual and earthly. Periodically take a defined period of time and list everything you can. At the end of every day, identify three things to be thankful for from that day.

2. As you go through your day, deliberately look for things to praise

3. When you grumble (See Who are you grumbling at?), worry, or are impatient (See I want it NOW!), choose to substitute thanksgiving for your negative reaction. Remind yourself that God is sovereign, and that He loves you. Remind yourself that you are His creation, His child, His servant. (See Becoming a Child of God.) He has a reason for the situation. You can trust Him.

My goal is to consistently overflow with gratitude (Colossians 2:7). To have a song in my heart (Ephesians 5:19). Always. In everything.

How about you?

Questions for you:

Are you a grateful person?

How can you increase the frequency or intensity of your thanksgiving?

What advice do you have for us?

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Pressing On Together