I was sitting on a couch with a couple of grandkids and Tessie, a big, nice, territorial German Shepherd.

Tessie, her head on the back of the couch, growled at every passerby. The grandkids said “NO!”
After a few repetitions, Tessie put her head down on the couch. But another passerby got her up and growling.
This time Tessie got down from the couch and left the room.
Tessie had a strategy for getting out of trouble and modeled a good method for us: Flee temptation.
Flee temptation
First, Tessie moved so she couldn’t see the passersby.
But she could still hear them.
Then she left the area altogether.
That’s a good strategy for us as well.
I shouldn’t keep chocolate in the house. I shouldn’t walk by the work kitchen, especially when I know someone brought brownies. If Baskin-Robbins is a problem, I should use a different route.
My dad quit smoking by deciding no longer to buy cigarettes, and knowing he wouldn’t bum one.
Joseph fled Mrs. Potiphar (Genesis 39:12).
Tessie probably wanted to be with her family. But she didn’t want to be in trouble either.
We are told to flee. See 1 Corinthians 6:18, 10:14; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22.
How to Flee
1) Resolve to flee. Making up your mind is the crucial first step.
2) Plan ahead. You can anticipate problem situations. Don’t be taken by surprise.
3) When you’re strong, make decisions that help you when you’re weak.
4) Don’t give temptation an audience. Flee temptation rather than arguing with it.
Fleeing is One of the Skills We Need
Learning to walk according to the Spirit is a life-long endeavor. It is much, much bigger than just fleeing from temptation. But fleeing is one skill we all need.
Questions for you
Is there anything you should flee from?
How is it going?
Advice for the rest of us?