Don’t Get Used to the Dark

Don’t Get Used to the Dark

Have you ever been seated in a very dark restaurant? Your eyes have to adjust to the dark before you can read the menu.

Getting used to the dark is a problem if what you are getting used to is not good.

Deviating from Standards

Pilots have detailed procedures prior to flight. They carefully “walk around” the airplane checking for any problems. They have a checklist to assure they have all the instruments and flight controls correctly set.

Suppose one day they forget to do something and the flight works out well. The next time they also omit that item and everything is fine. Pretty soon, that item is no longer on the check list. They have gotten used to deviating from the safety routine. Deviating from the standard has become normal.

That is true in society as well. We now accept behavior that would have horrified our grandparents. Many (most?) of our movies and TV shows use sin as entertainment. A recent review described a book as “deliciously wicked.” Oh my.

Do We Blush?

Were they ashamed because of the abomination they had done? They certainly were not ashamed, and they did not know how to blush. (Jeremiah 8:12)

Do we blush? Are we light in the world?


When you watch a movie, consciously review what you see against God’s standards, His commandments and precepts.

Pray God shows you when you accept behavior in yourself or others that is not acceptable to God.

Pray to know when to speak about the sins our society accepts.

Pray to be light and salt. (Matthew 5:13-16)

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Pressing On Together