Do It Anyway

The directions for a godly life are: Come to Jesus, Hear His words, Act on what He says (See Directions for a godly Life).

All three require: Decision, Determination, Habit, Courage.

Come to Jesus

After we have been redeemed, we need to decide to go to Christ throughout the day. The more we have Him top-of-mind, the easier that is. We have to determine that is going to be our pattern of life, and develop a firm habit of going to Him.

Hear His Words

God speaks to us in His Word, the Bible. We must decide to learn His Word. We must develop the habit to thoughtfully and prayerfully study what He says to us. And then we must think about what He says during the day.

Act on what He says

Here, courage comes in. We must decide in advance that we are going to do what He says. We must resolutely determine we are going to do what He says. Period.

But acting on what He says can take courage What if it’s scary? What if it look like it might cost us something dear? What if it looks like it would put us in physical danger…or worse? What if….

We must determine to do it anyway.


Christ, as He promised, sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in believers. We have what it takes to do what He says.

Look beyond the scary to Jesus Christ. Remember what He says and what He promises. Look at the challenge from the point of view of eternity. Pray for strength to do what He asks. Know that you have been given all the resources you need to do what He says. Remember that we are promised rewards for living a godly life.

Do it anyway!

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