Conditional Love

Have you ever hated someone you love?

Has someone you loved ever hated you?

I bet we all have hated or been hated.

Well, except God.

Unconditional Love

God loves His children. Period. He loves us even when we sin. He loves us enough to discipline us when we sin and bring us back to full fellowship with Himself.

This is so unlike human beings that we often think God must no longer love us after we’ve done something wrong. That is a lie. God loves those who have received Christ as Lord and Savior without reservation, without limit. And He loves us enough to not leave us in the mess we’ve made. Not only does He not leave us, it may feel that He moves closer.

Conditional Love

Human beings, however, tend to magnify the wrong, the hurt, the misconception, and withdraw.

In a novel I recently finished, the two main characters had secret vows prior to their wedding. One of them was: “I will love you even when I don’t like you.”

So, what should we do?

FIRST. Determine to believe God and His love for us. Even when we, as His children, think He shouldn’t love us, He does love us. He loves us, those in Christ, with an everlasting, unlimited love.

SECOND. Be holy as God is holy. That includes loving as He loves.

The problem, with our own attitude, or someone else’s, gives us an opportunity to love as God loves.

So, when you hate someone you love, remind yourself that you really do love him or her. Behave based on the love you don’t feel, continuing to act in love towards them.

THIRD. When someone you love doesn’t seem to love you based on some event, keep loving them regardless. (But, if you’ve done something wrong, confess and strive to make things right.)

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. (Ephesians 5:1–2)

We are to love others as Christ loved us.

FOURTH. Keep praying. Lord, help me love x. Lord, help me say and do everything with Your love, regardless how I feel.

FIFTH. Thank Him.

Thank You, Father, that You always love me, even when my loved one doesn’t seem to. Thank You that You allow problems to help make me into the image of Your Son.

SIXTH. Remember. Loving may feel like work in hard times. But remember:

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

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