Close Out the Old–Rejoice in the New
Ilove brand new notebooks, a fresh page on the calendar, a new year.
I know time is continuous, but it still feels like a fresh start. No mistakes yet!
Close Out the Old Year
Despite my eagerness to shut the door on 2018, I know I need to review the year with my Lord.
- How did I do?
- Do I love Him more than I did 12 months ago?
- How is my walk with Him?
- What did I do well?
- Is there someone I need to forgive or ask forgiveness of?
- Is there something I need to confess?
- What did I learn from the trials He gave me?
- Have I thanked Him?
Rejoice in the New Year
Once I’ve “closed out” the old year, I rejoice about how God will build on my past to give me new opportunities and trials as He makes me into the image of His Son.
He has given me the Helper, the Holy Spirit, to guide me through the year.
And, no matter what, I can rejoice because my name is recorded in heaven. (Luke 10:20)
Theme for the Year
In 2018, I had one core goal: Hallow His Name (See Hallow His Name).
As I review with the Lord how I did, I’ll ask Him how I did with that one core goal.
This year, my one core goal is:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)
Happy New Year!