Suppose you really prayed whether or not to take that new job, or whether or not to send your child to that school, or …. And suppose you were confident you were in the Lord’s will to do so.
And suppose it turned out very VERY badly.
Did you fail to hear God? Did you hear Him and then went your own way anyway?
Do your circumstances prove you rejected His guidance?
Jesus tells us that those who live godly WILL be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12).
Paul and Silas ended up beaten, in prison, and in stocks because they preached the gospel and cast out a demon. The jailer and his family ended up saved. Did the Lord put them in that particular prison so that the jailer and his family would hear the gospel and be saved? (Acts 16:9-40)
Did Paul end up in the deep because God didn’t want him to be on that ship? Did Paul not obey? (Look at the list of Paul’s labors and sufferings! (2 Corinthians 11:23-28)
Your bad circumstances
Your bad circumstances are not proof. Of course, God does lovingly discipline us, and send us though various trails and disciplines as part of making us into the image of His Son. He also puts us into situations so we can witness to Him.
In any case, our responsibility is to trust Him and continually strive to live in a manner pleasing to Him.
My ways [are] higher than your ways and My thoughts [are higher] than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)