(I wrote this post and the previous one, God is At Work, prior to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump…)
I’ve read that humans cannot truly “multi-task,” but, rather, we rapidly shift from one task to another.
That is NOT true of Almighty God!
Our Almighty God is infinite. Infinite in knowledge and wisdom. He is everywhere at once. He knows everything. He is in control of everything all the time, choosing to allow or prevent our sin, choosing to allow or prevent evil, and determining the results. He is all powerful. Nothing is impossible for Him.
We sometimes talk about the number of our “irons in the fire.” God’s “irons in the fire” are infinite and the number does not task Him.
What we may think is chaos actually is God working in many things at once (like usual!). His “band-width” is infinite. No detail is too small. No future date is out of His mind.
A good or unwelcome event in our lives doesn’t just affect us. It affects people around us. And someone around us may actually be the important one. God is at work in it all. And all the time.
So …When we see what looks like chaos to us, we should see that as a trigger to trust God and pray.