“Mixed” Families and Friends
“Mixed” Families and Friends I hope this doesn’t apply to you, but we all know of families and friends who are at odds due to different political beliefs. There are families who no longer celebrate holidays together. There are friends who no longer speak. There is abundant advice about how to handle “mixed” gatherings without…
Read MoreChaos?
(I wrote this post and the previous one, God is At Work, prior to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump…) I’ve read that humans cannot truly “multi-task,” but, rather, we rapidly shift from one task to another. That is NOT true of Almighty God! Our Almighty God is infinite. Infinite in knowledge and wisdom. He…
Read MoreGod is at Work
God is at work: In believers For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6) In those who will be redeemed The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient…
Read MoreSpeaking Different Languages
Bewildered. I can see an event totally differently than someone I know. Different perspective. Different language. Different reality. Different world-view. It can be very difficult or even impossible to have a conversation about that event. There are many instances of friendships ending, or even families splitting, over these differences. Is that what happened at the…
Read MoreGod’s Blessings in Heaven and Here
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3) His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness… (2 Peter 1:3) ~~~~~~~~~ We, believers, saints in Jesus Christ, have EVERY spiritual blessing. We…
Read MorePlant a Seed
After last week’s The Chain of Evangelism I heard from a friend who had always thought about telling others about Jesus Christ, regardless of the response, as planting a seed. Yes! We are responsible to plant seeds that, God willing, will lead to redemption. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So…
Read MoreThe Chain of Evangelism
Discouraged about the lack of response, or negative response, when you tell someone about Jesus Christ? I once heard an analogy that helped me. When you tell someone about the Lord, you are part of an evangelism chain. You might be the first link of the chain, or somewhere in the middle, or you may…
My lifelong friend and I wrote a book. She lived it, I helped write it. Suzanne Maurer, an ordinary Christian, is living proof that God turns horrors into blessing. Date raped at 19, her son, conceived by that rape, led her to Christ twenty years later. After 40 years of joyful living, she is now…
Read MoreMissing the Mark
Missing the laundry basket may bring the wrath of Mom. Missing God’s commandment brings the eternal wrath of God. Don’t be deceived. God is our Creator and has every right to tell us how we are to live. (Genesis 1:27) God has made His standard very clear. We are to love the Lord our God…
Read MoreWhen You Don’t Understand
Usually implied in this statement is that something bad happened. If something good happened, we’re apt to think: “What a good girl I am.” “What a good boy I am.” But if something bad happens … Christian Fundamentals When You Don’t Understand God is good and does good. (Psalm 119:68) For as the heavens are…
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