Giving thanks to God is a command. Being grateful to Him shows we love Him. Gratitude serves Him, praises Him, and worships Him. (See Gratitude)
But how can we do this better? How can we give Him thanks with all our hearts? (Psalm 138:1) How can we overflow with gratitude? (Colossians 2:7)
Fundamentals of Gratitude
The better we know God, the more grateful we are.
The better we know how much God loves us, the more grateful we are.
The better we know God’s loving control over what He brings or allows into our lives, the more peaceful we are, and the more grateful we are.
The better we know God’s plan for the world, His forthcoming victory over evil, His rewards for His children, and His judgment on sinners, the more peaceful we are in any situation, and the more grateful we are.
The key to each of those is to know the word of God, the Bible, and pray. If you don’t have a daily Bible study routine, start! Memorization (which I’m terrible at, but know I need) stores the Word of God in your heart, helping you remember His word.
No one is satisfied with their “prayer life,” but keep working on it.
Tips during the day
Remember. Remember. Remember.
Remembering who God is and who we are to Him, trumps any difficulty. It shifts our focus from problems to eternal reality.
Remember God’s answers to prayer in your own life, and in others. God is at work.
Recite Bible verses about His love for you. Remind yourself that you are His creation, His child. He has a reason for the situation. You can trust Him.
Remember His promises. You are headed to glory!
Stay alert.
As you see nice, funny, wholesome things during the day, thank Him. Deliberately look for the good things, and thank Him. [It can be a habit to see the good … or to see the bad. I’m not advocating for Pollyanna, and we do need to be aware of issues around us. But we need to put things in eternal context.]
As you see things that concern you, thank Him that He is God, and working His holy plan to a righteous victory over evil. Thank Him that, for you, He is working all things for good, making you more and more like Jesus Christ.
Ask yourself: in this situation, what am I grateful for?
Notice when you grumble, and deliberately turn that to thanksgiving.
Regularly enumerate things you are grateful for.
Gratitude is a discipline rooted in faith.
Press on!