Stuck on Past Sins or Failures?

Stuck? I, much too often, mentally dwell on my past sins and failures. Perhaps you do as well. And it is easy to mourn our current situations, reflecting how our sins and failures led to circumstances we don’t like. Satan likes us to be stuck. He likes to bind us to our past in order…

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Contentment During Trials

Contentment During Trials We (Christians) can and should be content regardless of our circumstances. Paul, in prison, certainly was. I know contentment is possible if we know and trust our loving Sovereign. Discontent I had a four-day, big to me, trial, and contentment was nowhere to be found. Alas. Even worse, I didn’t even think…

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Bye Bye 2023

Bye Bye 2023 A number of years ago I realized that annually I assessed my work performance for my boss, but that I wasn’t doing the same for my Lord. Now, I prayerfully review my year: How did I spend my time? How did I use my financial resources? Did I stay in God’s word,…

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Incredible, but True

Incredible, but True And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) The Word, Jesus Christ, is eternal God, and was with God from eternity past. (John 1) At Christmas, we celebrate His coming.…

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Prepare for Christmas: Repent!

Prepare for Christmas: Repent! John the Baptist: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)  Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17) God, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent. (Acts…

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He Warned Us

He Warned Us While we don’t know when, God has told us a lot about what. He warned us on purpose. Jesus, in the upper room, just before His betrayal, told the disciples that He would be betrayed, and that He would be crucified. He told them in advance for a reason. From now on…

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Waiting Room

Waiting Room My mom died of multi-infarct dementia. Awful disease. In her last few months, she described her living area as a Waiting Room. She would ask: “How long do I have to stay in the waiting room?” That is similar to our situation, except that we have lots to do while we wait. We…

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Thanksgiving Life

I hope you had a perfect Thanksgiving Day. It’s wonderful to have a USA holiday set aside (and other places as well, but on different days) to be thankful. Now, let’s work towards a Thanksgiving Life, a life characterized by thankfulness. We are to give thanks in all things. In everything give thanks; for this…

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What Heaven is NOT

What Heaven is NOT I long for heaven (See I Want to Go Home). For those whose Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ, heaven is where we will go, and heaven is unimaginably glorious. Heaven is also NOT a lot of things. And I rejoice at everything we’ll never see again. In heaven: There is…

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Accept God’s Help!

“NO! I can do it! Let me!” These are cries during the terrible-twos. And older children too! There are times Christians don’t accept, or even resist, God’s help. We may say to God: “NO! I can do it!” Alas! Why in the world would we not accept God’s help? Probably we all believe Almighty God’s…

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