The Prequel to Christmas

Night river, dark water on the display of the website

Wicked reveals things that happened before the events described in The Wizard of Oz. The Hobbit is about events before the Lord of the Rings. Both are described as prequels. The prequel to Christmas is John 1:1-3 and Philippians 2:5-8. Jesus Christ is God and has been God from the beginning and has been with God from the beginning. Everything came into…

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 I was sitting on a couch with a couple of grandkids and Tessie, a big, nice, territorial German Shepherd. Tessie, her head on the back of the couch, growled at every passerby. The grandkids said “NO!” After a few repetitions, Tessie put her head down on the couch. But another passerby got her up and…

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Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

Close view of wooden dining table

Did turkeys take longer to cook in those days? They must have. I woke to the aroma of roasting turkey and the three families and assorted guests didn’t come until 4. It was forever. My mother–then a widow with a 9-year old son–began the tradition in 1943 by asking three families to join them. By…

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How to Keep Going

A woman walking through the snow

I can’t keep going. I can’t. You’ve probably been there too. And we have lots of company: Job, Elijah, and Jeremiah, for example. On Mount Carmel, the Lord dramatically showed He is God and Baal was not. Elijah then slew the prophets of Baal. This was an awesome demonstration of God’s power and confirmation that…

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But What are We to DO?

Osprey bird flying closeup shot

I sometimes wish God would give me the syllabus. I think it would be comforting to know what grade I’m in, what my classes are this term, when exams are scheduled. Ok. So that isn’t going to happen. How about if God gave me specific goals and objectives for the year? Ok. So that isn’t…

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Have You Lost Your Sense of Purpose?

A man and his dog looking at the trees and mountains

Are you an empty nester? Are you a widow or widower? Are you out of the work force because of job loss or retirement? Are you working, but your job doesn’t have meaning to you? Does health restrict your activity? Are you just tired of it all? Have you lost your sense of purpose? Are…

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Called by Name

A man holding his child vintage photo

“KrisHoney.” My dad often called me “KrisHoney,” saying it as all one word. I vividly remember his warmth. Our names single us out. Being called by name means you’re not an extra in a big movie scene where you just take up space. A nameless blob in the crowd. Instead, you have a unique identity.…

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Rest for the Glory of God

Close view of a person enjoying the sunset view

One of the first days of retirement I was sitting on a deck, looking out over the water, watching the birds, my feet up on the railing. Doing nothing. I had no “to do” list. I had no short-term goals. I didn’t have an up-coming performance appraisal. I hadn’t thought yet about goals in retirement.…

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A Little Help FOR Our Friends

Closeup shot of California Brown Pelican Birds

Seagulls sometimes use pelicans to help them catch fish. They sit on the backs of pelicans and try to steal fish that the pelicans bring up. That’s in the “using” category rather than the “helping” category, I guess. But the pelicans tolerate it. We can do better. We can help our friends in their quests to catch…

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If Not Now, When?

A number of years ago I had trouble forgiving someone. One wretched morning, as I was sort of praying, sort of ruminating, wishing things were otherwise, I sensed the question: “If not now, when?” That stopped me in my miserable tracks. Yes, I knew I was commanded to forgive. Yes, I knew that forgiving was…

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