A Good Talking-To

A man standing in front of a group of dogs.

I really need a good talking-to. Yep. And I’m not alone. David, the sweet singer of Israel, reminded himself to bless the Lord and not to forget all His benefits. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits” (Psalm 103:2) David then enumerated some of God’s benefits, from forgiveness to steadfast…

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Where is Your Focus?

A bee on a white flower.

When life goes awry, when temptation comes, the key to victory is focus on the Lord. Temptation When Christ was tempted, He didn’t look at the bread, He looked at the Word of God. “But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread along, but on every work that proceeds…

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Christian Rights and Responsibilities?

Two bibles with the word holy on them.

The news is brimming with segments about our “rights.” There are human rights, labor rights, LGBT rights, reproductive rights, disability rights, patient rights, prisoner rights, privacy rights, free speech rights, fair trial rights, and bill of rights. We hear about the right to life, the right to work, and the right to die. And on and…

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The Lord Sings Over Us

A frame with a piece of music on it.

One of my earliest memories is my mother holding and rocking me, singing that she loved me more than “tongue could tell.” Cool, huh. Of course, as a very young girl, I heard “tunkin tell,” and wondered if it had something to do with pumpkins. Many “chick flicks” have scenes where the man sings a…

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New Territory

A lake surrounded by mountains and green grass.

“You have not passed this way before.” It was new territory for me when I lost my job. When I suddenly had vision difficulties and learned I had a retinal condition requiring surgery, it was new ground. I had not passed that way before. Sometimes something big happens to us, changing that day and all…

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Gold Medals, Eternal Life, and Eternal Rewards

A gold sand dollar necklace on a black background.

Gold Medals Beginning as children, thousands strive for Olympic gold medals in their sports. Training is more than a full time job, day in and day out for years, encompassing every aspect of their lives from eating and sleeping, to fitness and skill. Depending on the sport, they may spend hours every day in the…

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Your Will Be Done

A close up of a black sand beach with waves.

A few weeks ago (See Practical Exam) I told you about my sudden vision trouble. After more testing, both eyes have “just” one retinal problem, rather than the three conditions originally diagnosed. I need surgery, but weather has delayed us, and I just rescheduled my appointment with a retinal surgeon. God’s Sovereign Will In this fallen…

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What’s So Good about Bad?

A magnifying glass on top of a book.

Does God bring good out of bad? “God causes all things to work together for good…” All things means ALL things, Everything apparently good. Everything apparently bad. The truly bad. The good, the bad, the horrible. ALL things. … to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) The familiar promise…

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You are a Gift

Two pink and blue gift boxes with polka dot ribbons.

You are a gift. Yep. I’m a gift, too. Sounds conceited, doesn’t it? Jesus says repeatedly that the Father gave us to Jesus. We are the Father’s love gift to Jesus. In my self-critical mode, I say: “Boy! Some gift!” But it is gloriously true. We are gifts Right now we, Christ-followers, belong to both the Father…

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Joy in the Journey

A black dog running with a frisbee in its mouth.

Joy in the journey. Joy over the shining mountain passes and through the deep, dark valleys. Joy on the sunny days and through the stormy ones. Our Lord Jesus Christ came that we might have abundant life and that our joy may be full. (John 10:10, 15:14, 16:24, 17:13) But how? What do we do to have joy…

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