Set Free FOR Dependence

A large dog walking a small dog on a leash.

To be really free, we must become dependent. To the world, that is an oxymoron. To Christians, it is the path to joy. The more dependent we are on Christ, the freer we are. Complete freedom requires total dependence on God. Dependence, even in this world, isn’t necessarily easy. With my eye trouble, I’ve become…

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I’m a Kept Woman

I’m a kept woman. No, this isn’t an X-rated post. All children of God are kept. Christians are kept men, kept women, kept children. God’s Guarantee Jude says this: “Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for [or by] Jesus…

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A close up of a tree covered in snow.

An overloaded airplane will not fly. When a truck is overloaded, its springs break. When heavy snow builds up on bushes, the branches break. When we have too many obligations, when we try to do too many things, we might cope successfully for a period of time, but, long-term, we break. Implications of Overload When…

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Jesus’ Time Management

Three pocket watches sitting on top of a brown leather wallet.

After taking several time management courses, I decided I would not take another unless they guaranteed I would have 25 hours in a day. Here’s how bad it was: When I was working, my favorite day of the year was the day we switched from daylight savings to standard time. That day, and only that…

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How to Move On

A black dog running in a field with a blue bandage.

Are you stuck? Most of us have gotten stuck in the past at one time or another; sometimes for long periods of time. Unfortunately, the past is a very unproductive place to be: it steals opportunity and joy. By affecting today, it diminishes tomorrow as well. It is essential to move on. But how? Here…

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My first retinal surgery corrected the underlying problem! I am so grateful. I have visual improvement in that eye already, although it will be “a while” before I know how well I’ll be able to see. Surgery on the other eye is next week.

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Making it Worse to Make it Better

A full moon rising over a body of water.

The retinal surgeon made three holes in my eye, and cut out most of the inside of the eyeball. This is making me better?! Any surgery makes a hole in the body where there is not supposed to be a hole. This is supposed to make the patient whole? Yet, in order to become well,…

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Interruption or Opportunity?

My eye trouble was not on my schedule for 2015. Nope. Vision problems started in December and life won’t get back to normal (Lord, please! Restored vision!) until approximately August. I had a plan! I had projects I wanted to finish this year and I had hoped to spend time promoting my book. (When Storms…

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Start What Must Be Finished

A blue heron standing on a wooden dock.

My dad was in the Navy in WWII. When he sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge, heading to war, he said he was relieved to start what must be finished. In order to finish anything, we must start. We must have our goal in mind, and we must get on with it. If we’re scared,…

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Humble Faith

A black and white photo of a cat's face.

This was a hard post to write. I believe in Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, and trust Him, and Him alone, to save me and give me eternal life. My vision is poor due to retinal conditions in both eyes that require surgery. I cannot, by myself, correct my vision. Only God can…

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