She Did What She Could

A tunnel in the middle of a wooded area.

I’m a helper, most fulfilled when I can assist others in solving their problems, and reaching their goals. But I cannot always help, even when I want to. Ouch. When a Helper Cannot Help Sometimes I am not equipped to help, lacking wisdom, ability, or resources. Sometimes the person doesn’t want my help. Sometimes the…

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Year End Guarantee

Year End Guarantee I absolutely can guarantee something for Year End 2016. You—and I—WILL be more like Christ on December 31, 2016, than we are right now. Guar-an-TEED! Why am I so sure? God tells us so “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will…

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Where Is Your Mind?

A boy holding a book over his head.

Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most. Ha-ha. Seriously, where is your mind? We are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Here’s how (Listen up, Kristin) #1 Make up your mind to think aright Make a firm commitment to bring your “thought-life” in…

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What Are the Right Questions?

A calendar with a snowman on it.

It’s 2016! Happy new year! What are the right questions? What questions should we ask ourselves as we bring one year to a close and begin the next? For many years, I’ve tried to take stock. How did I do in the year coming to a close? [And there is another, separate, work to actually…

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Coal In My Stocking

A christmas stocking with a candy cane on it.

There was coal in my stocking! I’ve been naughty. Right? Actually, receiving coal was funny, but it did provoke a serious question. Does God Give Bad Gifts? Does God give His children, believers in Christ, coal? Does God give bad gifts to His own? Nope. ““If you then, being evil, know how to give good…

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No Sweet Christmas Music

photo: Revelation gives us another view of Christ’s nativity. No sweet Christmas music here. Instead, think “Jaws,” and then music accompanying a fierce battle scene. War in Ages Past “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of…

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Are You the Only One Praying?

A prayer list with the words on it.

Review who and what you are praying for and about. Are you the only one praying for that person, or that issue, or that opportunity? You might be. What implication does that have for the fervency of your prayers? That possibility definitely helps me be consistent in my prayers, and heightens my sense of responsibility.…

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Here Be Dragons

Mapmakers used the phrase “Here Be Dragons” at the edges of their known world. * Beyond what they knew, there was danger, there were dragons. We often think of the future that way. Beyond the edge of our (confident) expectations, we often fear dragons are lurking. Too often, we focus on dragons, and not on…

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I Don’t Want To

A black dog sitting on the sand.

But, Lord, I don’t want to. Have you ever said that to your Lord? I have. Ask yourself: “Is He Lord over your decision?” “Is He Lord over your life?” Recently I talked about being on the shelf. (See On the Shelf) So, learning my new area of service should be—will be–wonderful. But what if I…

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Give Us Grateful Hearts

A mother fox and her cub in a grassy field.

“Give us grateful hearts, our Father, for Your many blessings. Make us mindful of the needs of others. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.” This Thanksgiving, take stock. Are you a grateful person? What are you grateful for? The Lord has given you and me many blessings–spiritual and earthly, eternal and temporal. I once heard someone…

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