Dismayed in these Difficult Times?

Dismayed? Are you dismayed about current events? I can’t imagine you said anything but “Yes!” Well, I am too. I wish it were otherwise. But it isn’t. As I write this, the terrorist attacks in NY, NJ, and Minnesota just occurred. By the time this is posted, there may be more. What are we to…

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Praise Our Father

A sunset over a forest with trees in the background.

Almighty God Almighty God is sovereign over everything and everybody all the time. He is infinitely knowledgeable, infinitely wise, infinitely powerful. He is totally other than we are. Isaiah said: In the year of King Uzziah’s death I [Isaiah] saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe…

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The Window Through Which You View the World

A view of a field through a window.

Folklore: You are the window through which you view the world. Your traits, positive and negative, color what you see. If you are hopeful, you tend to look for “silver linings.” If you’re critical, you tend to look for what is wrong. If you habitually lie, you tend to see others are liars. If you…

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I Blew It!

A pile of palm leaves on the ground next to a house.

I blew it! Uh-oh. Now what? There really are only three choices: 1) Deal it with it; 2) Try to ignore it; 3) Endlessly beat up yourself. Trying to ignore it most likely won’t work. Endlessly beating up yourself just results in crippling yourself and making you less able to deal with the present. And,…

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Hate What God Hates

A group of black vultures in a grassy field.

The Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst. (Ezekiel 9:4) Those who hated what God hated were spared. Those who didn’t…

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Love Decides, Acts, and Feels

A canadian goose is sitting in a flower bed.

We are told to love. Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Mark 12:30) Love our enemies. (Matthew 5:44) Love our neighbors as ourselves. (Mark 12:31) Love fellow believers, just as Christ has loved us. (John 15:12) These are high standards. Many, many Bible verses, sermons, and books discuss…

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Praise the Everlasting God

We often seek that which seems permanent: owning a house instead of renting, marriage instead of dating, employment in a company that seems secure. Yet, houses can be destroyed, divorces happen, companies fail. But God is eternal. When we seek Him, we seek the only One who truly is permanent, because He is the Everlasting…

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His Enormous Love

Do you know how much God loves you, His child? I don’t. His love for us is infinite. His love has no boundaries, no limitation, no end. But how can we understand “infinite?” Think about a time you felt most loved, and multiply that by an infinite amount. That’s how much God loves you. Let’s…

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Don’t Lose Heart

A robin perched on a branch in the woods.

Paul, after many, many, many trials, told us he didn’t lose heart. (2 Corinthians 4) But there are times I’ve lost heart, even with a much easier life than Paul’s. Perhaps you have too. Fortunately, Paul told us how to not lose heart. How to not lose heart First, Be grounded in spiritual truth. The fact is we, followers…

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