Looking Back with Gratitude

Time is continuous, but turning the page to a new year prompts taking stock and setting goals. How did you fare in 2016? What’s on your mind for 2017? Gratitude versus Thanksgiving Gratitude and thanksgiving are very similar. I think of gratitude as an attitude; a state of being grateful or thankful. While being thankful…

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Christmas: Christ’s Humiliation

A christmas tree is lit up in a living room.

Christmas is the favorite holiday for many, both secular and Christian. It can be a joyous time, celebrating the Word made flesh, and dwelling among us. (See John 1:1-14) Christmas, however, was a time of Christ’s humiliation. He humbled Himself, took the form of a bond-servant, and was made in the likeness of man (Philippians 2:6-7).…

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Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve!!!!! Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son. Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ for humbling Yourself and being made flesh. Thank You for showing us the Father, and demonstrating Your deity. Thank You for taking my sins—and those of all Your people—on Yourself, dying for us, and enabling the Father to declare us righteous…

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Praise the Holy Spirit

In the beginning was the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit was with God, and the Holy Spirit was God. Creator The Holy Spirit is Creator. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. … and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:1–2) Dwells The Holy Spirit…

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Sing for Joy in the Shadow

A snow covered porch with a lamp hanging over it.

Sing for Joy The last week before my mother’s death, my brother, sister-in-law, and I (with visits from her grandchildren) sat by her bed. I would read the Bible to her, especially the Psalms, not certain if she could hear me, but trusting. And, of course, the Lord spoke to me as I read. During…

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Adversity and Character

A sunset over a body of water with a boat in the background.

“Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it.” An NFL analyst-broadcaster-ex-coach recently said this, but that thought is commonly recited as truth. The phrase is only half right. Adversity does reveal character. But hardship also can build character. Adversity Reveals Character Character underlies all you are and all you do. While it is possible to put…

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Whom Would You Invite?

If you could ask anyone to Thanksgiving dinner, living or dead, whom would you invite? Answers to that question were printed in the Denver Post years ago. My favorite response: “Someone to cook.” Before you read on, think about whom you would invite. If I could invite anyone to dinner, it would be the Thanksgiving crowd from…

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Praise the Giver

A stream with rocks and flowers in it.

All things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You. (1 Chronicles 29:14) Everything comes from God God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—created everything and sustains everything. All things belong to God. Whatever we give to God was His before we had it, and when we gave it to Him, it remained His. For…

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What was the Motive?

A black and tan dog looking at the camera.

I’m an introvert, one of those folks who can bump into a just-moved piece of furniture. Perhaps my most famous introvert moment was emerging from my office, still early in the day, after I’d been focused on a project, and walking right by two people without even seeing them. When I walked back with a…

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Yet not I, but God

A sunset over a lake with docks in the background.

I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me. (1 Corinthians 15:10) We are Responsible Did I do something good? Yes. No, not me. Did God accomplish it? Yes. Last week I talked about our decision to walk right in these troubled times (See Dismayed in these…

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