What are your plans today?

A screen shot of a task list in outlook.

When I am asked, “What are your plans today?”, I usually have an answer. In fact, I maintain a “to do” list of projects and activities I want to finish today, this week, this season, next summer, this lifetime… I know many don’t keep plans to this extreme, some lose their “to do” lists if…

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Fire, Illumination or Silence?

The volume of public “discourse” is very high right now, accompanied by rancor, also at a high pitch. There is a lot of fire, but much less illumination. My reaction has been to limit my involvement, believing I cannot make things better. I’ve heard that a lot of people, on various “sides” are withdrawing from…

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The Shepherd and Eye Surgery #6

Two canadian geese swimming in the water.

On my way to eye surgery #6 (in less than two years), I used Psalm 23 as a guide to prayer. In praying through Psalm 23, I praised Him for the wonderful truths in that beautiful Psalm. And I was struck with David’s response: “I shall not want,” “I fear no evil,” and his confidence…

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What are Your Customs?

An osprey is sitting on top of a post.

Day by day, what do you habitually do? What would others say about your customs? Jesus’ Customs We know something about Jesus’ customs: He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath (Luke 4:16). He customarily taught the crowds (Mark 10:1). He often slipped away to the wilderness to pray (Luke 5:16). The last week before…

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Praise Jesus Christ

A colorful sunset with trees in the background.

Praising Jesus Christ should be the hallmark of our lives as Christians. Not just every day, but every moment. His glory, and His being should be the center of ourselves, and the fuel we use for daily life. Should be… I know I fall short, way short, and need to constantly review the facts to…

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Hang in There

Two yellow kites flying in the sky.

“Hangeth thou in there, O baby!” Oh, yeah? Are you in a place of misery? Are you at your wits’ end? How can you endure? How can you “hang in there”? How can you stand firm? First, pray First, always first, look to the Lord and pray. Second, ask whether you need to act. It may be that the Lord…

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What Does God Think of You?

A close up of an orange and yellow rose.

What does God think of you?* I too often tell myself what a failure I am, how unlovable I must be. In a Facebook exchange I was assigned the letter “d,” and was supposed to send that to my friends asking them to tell me something about myself that starts with “d.” My immediate reaction…

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Faith Wavers with the Waves

A surfer riding a wave in the ocean.

God’s Children have Faith As children of God, we have faith. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8–9) The Strength of Faith Wavers However, the strength of our…

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Praise Immanuel

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23) Jesus, the Son of God, was born, became flesh, and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) All things were created through Christ, yet He humbled Himself to be with us.…

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How Do You Lose One Shoe?

A pair of flip flops laying on the sand.

How do you lose one shoe? When I was in kindergarten and first few grades (ok…maybe longer), I remember frantically running around the house hunting for … one shoe. I’d have the other one on. My mom laughed about it later, but I’m sure it was an irritant at the time. “How do you lose one shoe?” You lose…

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