Posts by Pressing On Together
With All My Ability
With all my ability I have… 1 Chronicles 29:2 Best Effort As I thought about this, the more and more powerful this verse became for my life. The phrase “with all my ability” doesn’t demand perfection, because none of us can be perfect, but it does demand our best effort. This changes our outlook from…
Read MorePraise The Messiah “Messiah” means The Anointed One, translated as “Christ” in Greek. Reading through the Old Testament, there are a number of references to an anointed one, usually referring to king, priest, or prophet. However, there is only one who is The Messiah. The Messiah came, but most of Israel didn’t recognize Him. When the magi came and wanted…
Read MoreGood Morning, Saint!
Good morning, Saint! Now, insert your name: Good morning, Saint [your name]! How many of you cringed at that? The world’s definition of saint is not the Biblical definition of saint. The world says a saint is an “extremely virtuous person.” The Bible says a saint is a believer, one who believes Jesus Christ is…
Read MoreWe’re Warned
She heeded no voice, she accepted no instruction. She did not trust in the LORD, she did not draw near to her God. (Zephaniah 3:2) We’re Warned That warning is to a city, but—oh my!—it pertains to us as individuals as well. I know I have acted against the voice of the Lord. I know I…
Read MoreExperiential Learning
Experiential learning: The process of learning through experience. Iwas impatient with corporate “team building,” which often included “experiential learning” that had, to me, little applicability. The value of a ropes course totally escaped me. (Well, I did learn that I didn’t want to do that again…) To be fair, I can recall a few exercises…
Read MorePraise the Light
Have you been on a tour deep in a cave when all lights are extinguished? Total darkness! You can’t see your hand right in front of your face. Everyone becomes quiet. Some become unsteady, lacking visual references to keep their balance. And then it gets quieter still. When the tour guide turns on the smallest…
Read MoreShow and Tell
Show and Tell When I was in first grade, I bragged about my brother who could drive a car and fly an airplane. Naturally, my classmates thought I was a liar. My lovely teacher solved the problem by having my brother come to show and tell! And my brother came! It was true! It definitely…
Read MoreI Don’t Know
I don’t know what is going to happen. Of course I don’t. I can—and should—do all I can to have the situation come out “right,” but I should—I must—trust almighty God, who is in control of all things, and who loves me. Oh my. I’m still human. I don’t know the future. I can do…
Read MoreReassigned
He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to our fathers. (Deuteronomy 6:23) In order to get new orders, the Lord has to end your current assignment. Reassignments Moses was reassigned from shepherd to deliver Egypt. Someone else had to take over the…
Read MorePraise Our Keeper
Keeper The Dictionary tells us what “keeper” means: All are true of our Lord, Yahweh the Keeper, and so much more. Yahweh Our* Keeper Keeps His Word O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments… (Daniel 9:4) Keeps—holds, guards, supports– God’s children,…
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