Posts by Pressing On Together
Make Every Effort
Make Every Effort to Seek God First Do you make every effort to seek God first? If you have determined to read the Bible every day, do you keep going even when you have a very busy schedule, are out of town, or have visitors? What about other aspects of your spiritual life? Or, alas,…
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Feeling Condemned?
What to Do
Ok, fellow Christian.* Have you done or said something that left you feeling condemned? I’ve been there. What should we do to restore fellowship with our Lord and press on in His service and towards His goal for us? Prayerfully take these steps: ONE: Confess your sin to Almighty God. If we confess our sins,…
Read MoreLicense to Learn
A private pilot’s license is a license to learn. At about 40 hours, a pilot is a beginner, safe within good conditions. I was a private pilot when I met my husband, an airline captain. I was shocked and sobered when I realized he was more conservative in a single engine airplane than I was.…
Read MorePraise the Redeemer
Enemies of God We—all of us—were enemies of God, walking in darkness, slaves to sin. Some of us, those of us who trust in Christ and have received Him as Lord and Savior, have been redeemed by Christ’s precious blood. Redeemed with Precious Blood We were redeemed with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and…
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God’s Loving Promises
Part 1
Harry-Mouse Durgin God’s Loving Promises We—God’s children, those whose Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ—“can joyfully live in the present in the light of the future, having learned from the past. Eternity is forever, and our problems are, in comparison, fleeting moments. The clearer we can imagine our promised future, the smaller our problems appear,…
Read MoreGet Me Outta Here
Lord! No More! Get me outta here! Have you ever prayed that? Me, too. Sometimes it’s appropriate. Sometimes there is something better to pray. Instead of focusing on escaping, how about: Lord, help me honor You in this situation. Lord, help me be patient. Lord, help me be wise. Lord, I know You’ve given me…
Read MoreTP Wars
TP Wars Ok, really now…do you think TP should go over the roll or under the roll? Is this an issue in your household? I’ve read that the “TP Over or Under Roll” is a battleground in many marriages. Even divorce. REALLY? How in the world? I’m sure this isn’t a problem among the readers…
Read MoreGod Won’t Write You Off
Have you just fallen into the same sin for the 49th time? I’ve been there. Here’s a joke: When I sinned the same way the 49th time, my Lord said: “Great! She’ll get it the next time.” Actually, of course, God isn’t remote, looking down to see what we’ll do. Rather, we are in Christ, the Holy…
Read MorePraise the Ever-Present God
The previous post in the Praise series, Praise the Omniscient, focused on the eternal truth that Almighty God knows everything about everything and everybody all the time. Today, let’s praise the God who is everywhere, all the time, forever. He is always with us. We can never escape Him. He is Ever-Present, Omnipresent. “Am I a God…
Read MoreGrieve or Please
God’s Love God’s love for His children, those who trust in His Son, and have received Christ as Lord and Savior, is unchanging and eternal. God is for us (Romans 8:31). Christ Jesus intercedes for us (Romans 8:34). NOTHING can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans…
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