Posts by Pressing On Together
Praise The Word In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) Jesus Christ is God, eternal, and in eternal relationship with God. Yet Christ humbled Himself to be born as a baby, giving up His prerogative as God, in order to show us God, and to seek…
Read MoreGod is With Us
Harry Durgin God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–will be with us, believers in Christ, throughout the year ahead (and for eternity). This is one of the sure things in 2018. (See Sure Things in 2018). God is present everywhere (See Praise the Ever-Present God), but, for Christians, God’s presence in our lives is a living, loving, personal relationship.…
Read MorePrepare to Choose
2018 will be full of choices to make (See Sure Things). There are many conscious choices every day, and some habits we should intentionally change. How should we decide? Foundation Choice The foundation choice for life and eternity is to: Confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him…
Read MorePrepare for Trouble
Jesus promised we would have trouble. He promised! (see Sure Things.) Since we know we will have trouble, what do we do to prepare for trouble? In order to face trouble with confidence and trust, we must have our heads and our hearts aligned with our loving, sovereign Lord. Head Knowledge Almighty God is sovereign over everybody, everything, all the…
Read MorePrepare to Serve
There are at least four sure things in 2018 (See Sure Things): We will have God-given work to do; We will have trouble; We will have choices; and God will be with us. We’re nearly 3 weeks into 2018. How are you doing? Since we know something about what is up ahead, let’s prepare to meet…
Read MorePraise the Victor
Jesus Christ, God, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, is Victor over all. Victor over Earth On earth, He overcame the world, demonstrating His sovereignty through healing, casting out demons, feeding, calming the storms, raising people from the dead, giving life. Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the…
Read MoreSure Things in 2018
While we cannot know all the details of what we will face in 2018, we can know for certain, and prepare for, some. Here are some sure things that will happen in 2018: We will have God-given work to do We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand…
Read MoreHallow His Name
Today is New Year’s Eve 2017. While January 1st is really “just” tomorrow, I like the symbolism of turning a fresh page to an unwritten year, full of possibilities. Usually by now I have a long list of goals, with a gazillion steps to achieve those goals. And then, later in the year (ok, later in…
Read MoreOpen Your Gifts!
When Do You Open Your Gifts? You probably have gift-wrapped presents under your Christmas tree. When do you open them? With little kiddos, you might be awakened in the middle of the night (at least it seems that way!) by children eager to open their presents. You might be the parent (like my mom), who…
Read MorePraise the Upholder
Upholder God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, upholds His children, His servants, His brethren. We need to strive to walk in His way, but at the same time we can relax, knowing He is with us, holding us up, sustaining, and supporting us throughout our lives. For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro…
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