Bless His Heart

Jesus commands us to love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, and do good to those who hate us. (Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27). We are to bless and not curse. (Luke 6:28, Romans 12:14) But HOW? I know the motto: “Just do it.” But HOW? At one point in my career I was furious at…

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After the Storm

A purple flower sits on top of a pile of snow.

You came through the storm! Praise God! Assess Look back. Look around. Did the storm: You need to clean up the mess. You and the Lord A storm often provokes responses that the Lord will show us as sinful. We often don’t trust God during the storm. Both require confession and humility. You and others…

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Praise the Zeal of God

A man and woman standing on the beach at sunset.

Are you unconcerned when you see your young child in the street? Of course not! You get your child out of harm’s way and make sure your child knows not to do that again. Do you think God is indifferent to your plight? He’s not. He is zealous for you. God’s name is Jealous The…

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During the Storm

During the Storm The storm hit. During Hurricane Harvey and its 40 inches of rain, friends in Houston had to build a system to channel water from their overwhelmed gutters away from their house. Family in New England had to shovel snow from their roof. What should we do during a storm? Remind Yourself During…

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Christ Lives!

Jesus Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia! Christmas Jesus Christ came to us as a baby, came in the flesh that He might, as a man, seek and save that which was lost. Good Friday Jesus Christ died, sacrificially, that He might atone for the sins of those who believe and put their trust…

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Before the Storm

We have family in New England, who have lived through several bomb cyclones! And family in Hawaii, which has had flooding. And friends in Houston who endured Hurricane Harvey and its 40 inches of rain. We usually have warning of impending bad weather and can take some steps to weather the storm. We can take…

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Praise Yahweh

God declared His name to be Yahweh, I AM. I AM WHO I AM. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations. (Exodus 3:14-15) Personal Name God chose to tell us His personal name! There is so much more about His name, but I am thrilled that God shared His personal…

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Who is Waiting at Your Finish Line?

Gold medal! The first-ever USA gold medal in cross country, with the ladies winning the team sprint.  During the last 100 meters, the USA skier sprinted into first. “In the final stretch I was just thinking, Go, go, go, I’m giving it everything I had… and when there is someone you care about at the…

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Who Do You Think You Are? What is your immediate response to this question: “Who do you think you are?” Is your response about your job or role? “I’m a business owner, I’m a doctor, I’m a teacher, I’m a professional athlete, I’m a parent.” Those are temporary answers; your business might fail or be…

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Who Are You?
Your Identity

A close up of a pine tree with frost on it.

We are sometimes attacked at the core of who we are. Jesus was, the apostles were. We’re not exempt. Next week, I plan to talk about attacks, but as I was working on that, I realized to withstand core attacks, we must be settled in who we are. Who are you? Developing a strong sense…

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