Posts by Pressing On Together
Is God a Liar?
Forgiveness Is God a Liar? Do you ever think you don’t deserve to have God forgive you? Perhaps you worry that something you did was so bad that, even though you confessed and repented, God wouldn’t forgive you? Are you still agonizing over sinful events in the past that you confessed, but still haunt you?…
Read MoreThanksgiving Prayer
Thanksgiving Prayer Thanksgiving is a great time to be purposefully grateful. Here is my prayer this Thanksgiving. You might want to join me… or write your own. ~~~~ Almighty God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—I am so grateful to You. I praise You for who You are, what You do, and for eternity to come. I…
Read MorePraise the God of Glory
Harry Durgin/Facebook Praise the God of Glory The God of Glory. (Psalm 29:3, Acts 7:2) The Father of Glory. (Ephesians 1:17) The King of Glory. (Psalm 24:8) The Lord [Christ] of Glory. (1 Corinthians 2:8) The Spirit of Glory. (1 Peter 4:14) Glory has the sense of majestic beauty and splendor, or great significance. For example:…
Read MoreAre You in a Dark Spot?
Are You in a Dark Spot? Suppose you came home from work/school/shopping to nobody and nothing. Everybody and everything were gone. Your loved ones had been kidnapped. Your home had been ransacked. There was no one, and nothing, left. What would you do? David faced that issue. When he and his men got home, all…
Read MorePolitical Wars
Political Wars My mom worked for several Governors and a US Senator; my dad worked in a congressional campaign; both were deeply interested in politics. Much of my career included government relations responsibilities. And yet I was mainly interested in policy questions rather than politics. The past few years, however, I’ve been drawn more and…
Read MoreThe Ends Justify the Means–NOT!
Do the ends justify the means? Does a worthwhile goal (to you, anyway) mean you can do anything to attain it? Is sinning okay to reach a particular goal? Of course not. But in our current climate, many seem to have adopted that stance. And, of course, unbelievers don’t have the same concern about sin.…
Read MorePraise the Faithful God
USGS Volcano: Fissure 8, Hawaii Praise our Faithful God, our faithfully faithful God God never changes. Everything He is and everything He does is characterized by faithfulness. He is always faithful It is a trustworthy statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him; If we endure, we will also reign…
Read MoreWhat is Your Level of Trust?
Harry Durgin/FaceBook What is Your Level of Trust? Do you trust God all the time? Some of the time? Practically never? On a scale of 1 to 10, where is your level of trust? This is a fundamental question relating to your Christian walk. The fact is that God is totally sovereign. He is sovereign over everything and everybody…
Read MorePraise in the Dark
There is a quip: “Believe in the dark what you learn in the light.” We are followers of Jesus Christ and are learning to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4). We haven’t arrived yet (Philippians 3:12), but God is working on us (Philippians 2:13), and will keep working on us until the day of…
Read MoreWhy are You so Harsh with Yourself?
Agranddad was talking with his very upset granddaughter. She told him she’d been talking to herself, and, well, “Things were said.” I laughed when I read that, but I often say harsh and negative things to myself. I’m sure you do too. We, too often, believe the negative, harsh things we say to ourselves, along…
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