How to Be Put into Service

A desk with two laptops and a vase of tulips.

Do you feel that God has put you on a shelf? Do you wish you could be of service to Him? If Godhas put you on a shelf, there is a loving reason for it. For example, you may need a rest or you may need more time in the Word and prayer. And you are…

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The Dangers of an Easy Life

A river flows through a snow covered mountain range.

If I were God, my life would be easy. I’d be satisfied with my relationships, my resources, my activities. I would be spared trouble. But I’m not God (duh!) and an easy life would not be good for me. The Dangers of an Easy Life Self-Sufficiency Did you catch the use of “my” in the…

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Redeem the Time

The tail of a humpback whale in the ocean.

Redeem the Tine Long ago, I memorized Ephesians 5:15-16, and seared in my memory was: “Redeem the time, for the days are evil.” I interpreted that (wrongly—see below) as a time (clock) management command. The word in Ephesians 5:16 translated “time” is kairos, which means era, season, or opportunity. The word for clock time is kronis. Maybe that difference wouldn’t…

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Praise I AM

A tree and milky in the night sky.

Praise I AM God—Father, Son, Holy Spirit—has progressively revealed Himself to us. To Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He showed Himself as God Almighty. (Exodus 6:3) It wasn’t until Moses that He declared His name to be Yahweh, I AM. I AM WHO I AM. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to…

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Be Holy

Lava spewing out of a volcano at night.

Hawaii East Rift ZoneHarry Durgin Facebook Be Holy Like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, forI am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15–16) The word “holy” appears nearly 700 times in the Bible. Some of them refer to the Holy One, some…

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Close Out the Old–Rejoice in the New

A large firework explodes in the sky.

Close Out the Old–Rejoice in the New Ilove brand new notebooks, a fresh page on the calendar, a new year. I know time is continuous, but it still feels like a fresh start. No mistakes yet! Close Out the Old Year Despite my eagerness to shut the door on 2018, I know I need to…

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Christmas–The Glory of God

A christmas tree and decorations on a table in a room.

Christmas—the Glory of God The glory of God is revealed in Christ, shown in a baby, manifested through His life, displayed in His crucifixion, and declared the Son of God with power by His resurrection. At His birth, the angels praised God, saying “Glory to God in the highest.” We are told that God showed…

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Praise the Holy One

Nasa's orion nebula.

Hubble photo. Praise the Holy One Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lordof hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. (Isaiah 6:3) Holy, holy, holy is theLord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come. (Revelation 4:8) Holy God, Holy Father (John 17:11), Holy Lord Jesus Christ (John 6:69), Holy…

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2019 Preparations

A group of boys running through a grassy field.

2019 Preparations Iremember seeing a cartoon with a HUGE stack of firewood, all stacked neatly along the entire length of the house, and a man splitting yet more wood. Two people were watching him, and one said: “Will someone please tell him he is ready?” Do you feel ready for 2019? Do you feel ready…

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Believe God’s Love

The sun is shining through an arch in the desert.

Landscape Arch, Utah. Tamara Griffin Walking Adventures Intl Believe God’s Love God tells us and shows us throughout the Bible that He loves us, those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ and received Him as Lord and Savior. We don’t always believe it. But we should! God’s Love Comes from Who He Is…

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