Preparing for Easter

The milky way over a mountain in the night sky.

Harry Durgin Facebook I’ve been reading through boxes of books I inherited from my parents who went through World War II and were very involved in politics. Many of their books are history, biography, and autobiography. I am enjoying reading them. As I have been preparing for Easter, I’ve been thinking about Christ’s history.  [This post has…

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Praise the Lord

The milky way over a mountain in the night sky.

East Rift Zone from Mauna Kea — Harry Durgin Facebook We are commanded to praise the Lord.  We often hear or say: “Praise the Lord,” or “PTL.” But are we saying “praise the Lord,” or are we praising the Lord?”  The Lord deserves praise.  We praise Him for who He is. We praise Him for…

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Our Defense

I defended myself once in traffic court. It didn’t go so well. I left with several points on my record and a lighter wallet. I still think I was innocent. I still cannot believe the policeman who testified actually remembered my specific car.  Even if I had represented myself perfectly, I think I still would…

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You Shall Be

A wooden bridge leads to a path in a wooded area.

Jesus said to Peter: “You are … You shall be … ”  (John 1:42) He says that to us as well. Each of us currently have specific              Levels of Christian growth             Habits             Character traits             Customary ways of dealing with issues             Etc.  Jesus knows this! But, just as He said to Peter, He says to us:  “You shallbe…” God’s…

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Praise the King

Praise the King God is Sovereign now. God is King of all the earth now. However, for a limited period of time, He is allowing rebellion against Himself, but He controls the extent and specifics of that revolt. For believers, the Kingdom of God is inside us, and we have a King. We eagerly await…

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Encourage the Encourager

Has someone encouraged you? Do they know? Encouragement is an awesome gift. Sometimes someone’s encouraging words keep you going, give you strength in a hard spot, or make the difference between giving up and succeeding. But do they know they helped? You can encourage the encourager by telling them.  Maybe the encourager thinks what they…

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Be Intentionally Encouraging

A mother fox and her cub in a grassy field.

The Bible tells us to encourage others.  Encourage one another and build up one another.  (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Encourage one another day after day.  (Hebrews 3:13)  The Bible also tells us to think about how to encourage.  Consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.  (Hebrews 10:24)  How to be Intentionally Encouraging One: We are…

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Jesus is in the Boat with You

Two people in a canoe in the ocean.

Q. When the disciples were in a great storm on the sea, the boat was being covered with waves, and they thought they were perishing, where was Jesus? A. Jesus was in the boat with them.  (Matthew 8:23-27) Q. When Simon Peter, James, and John had been fishing all night without catching anything, Jesus got into Simon’s…

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Praise the Judge

Praise the Judge Almighty God knows everything about what each of us believe, and everything about what we have thought, said, and done. He is holy and will judge righteously. There will be one standard–His. No one is going to get away with anything. There will be no excuses.  The horrors, the evil deeds, of…

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Feeling Inadequate?

A group of people standing in the middle of a desert.

Do you have a list of goals for this new year? How confident are you that you will be able to achieve your goals? Of course, you may have set unreasonable goals, or too many goals, or goals that aren’t consistent with the Lord’s plans for you. But for a goal the Lord has given…

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