
Milestones When you must sail on—day after day after day—it is helpful to remember significant times of the Lord’s blessings. (See Today We Sailed On) The Bible is full of calls to remember. And the Bible notes times someone built an altar or placed a stone after a special time with or message from God. Noah, Abram,…

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Praise the God of Peace

Praise the God of Peace When I asked my grandmother what she wanted for Christmas or her birthday (same day!), she would always say: “Peace and quiet and a few kind words.” As a child that drove me nuts. Really, though, nearly all of us would say we wanted peace. Peace only comes from the…

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Today We Sailed On

Today We Sailed On Day after day after day, Christopher Columbus’ ship’s log notes: “Today we sailed on.” Day after day after day, they sailed through an open ocean, no land in sight.  Life is often like that, requiring us to sail day after day after day, without knowing how far there is to go.…

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I Don’t Understand

A water softener installed in a basement.

I don’t understand. We recently had a water leak requiring us to shut off the water. My husband (again) showed me how, and explained the four different shut-off levers and how the system worked. I did not grasp all this! He ended up writing on the wall with an arrow: “Shut Off.” I’m sure I…

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Answered Prayer: My Eyes

Several years ago, I suddenly could not see well. We were 1200 miles from my regular doctors, so I saw an unfamiliar optometrist and then a retinal specialist. I had two macular holes and needed retinal surgery.  I sent the records to my doctors in Colorado, and we began watching the weather to be able…

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Pressing on Together

A blue logo with the words passing out together.

This is the 5-year anniversary of Pressing On Together. Today is the 259th post. My goal was—and is—to help us press on in our Christian walk, more and more walking in a manner worthy of Him. My “Welcome!” post said: “This website is dedicated to pressing on: finding hope ahead, forgetting past sins and victories, overcoming barriers, handling…

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Praise the One God

One God There is one God. One. The One and only God. Both the Old and the New Testaments teach that there is One God. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. (Isaiah 43:10)  I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides…

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You are Always on His Mind

A bird perched on a branch of a tree.

You Are Always on His Mind Christian, you are not forgotten. You are always on His mind. You may feel alone. But you aren’t.  He promises He will never forget you. No matter who else forgets, He does not and will not forget. Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on…

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The Examined Life

A magnifying glass on an open bible.

We–Christians, believers in Christ, Christ-followers—are to live examined lives.  Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.  (Psalm 139:23–24)  Let us examine and probe our ways, and let us return to the Lord.   (Lamentations…

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Self-Righteous Lives

Do you know anyone who doesn’t think he or she sins? Christians are sinners who have recognized their sins, repented, and believe in Christ for salvation. Christians still sin, but when we confess our sins, God forgives (1 John 1:9). Non-Christian sinners are everyone else. Some are those who rely on their behavior, believing their…

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